(u) Parks and Recreation. To establish and maintain public
parks, gardens, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities and
programs to promote the health, welfare, and enjoyment of the in-
habitants of the County.
(v) Refuse Collection and Disposal. To require, regulate, or pro-
vide for the collection, removal, and disposal of refuse, garbage,
rubbish, filth, or any other matter or thing that is or may become
injurious to the health or comfort of the inhabitants of the County,
and to provide whether the expense, if any, shall be borne by indi-
vidual owners or tenants or shall be paid for in whole or in part by
the County.
(w) Volunteer Fire Departments. To contribute funds to volun-
teer fire departments serving the County.
(x) Community Services. To provide, maintain, and operate com-
munity and social services for the preservation and promotion of the
health, recreation, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County.
(y) Cooperative Activities. To make agreements with munici-
palities, counties, districts, bureaus, commissions, and governmental
authorities for the joint performance of or for cooperation in the
performance of any governmental functions. To accept gifts and
grants of Federal or of State funds from the Federal or State govern-
ments or any agency thereof, and to expend the same for any lawful
purpose, agreeably to the conditions under which the gifts or grants
were made.
(z) Departments and Offices. To create, change, or abolish offices
and departments and to assign additional functions to offices and
departments, but not including the power to create, change, abolish
or discontinue any office or department or to transfer any function
of an office or department established by the Constitution, public
general law or public local law of the County.
(aa) Licenses. Subject to any restriction imposed by public gen-
eral laws, to license and regulate any person who conducts the busi-
ness of or acts as an itinerant or door-to-door peddler or salesman of
goods, wares, merchandise, or subscriptions for magazines and other
periodical publications, either by sample or otherwise; to license and
regulate public amusements when in the interest of public welfare.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved April 8, 1965.
(Senate Bill 10)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland
by the addition of a new Article 11F thereto, title "Home Rule
for Code Counties," to follow immediately after Article HE, pro-
viding an optional system of home rule powers for certain counties