writing, either in the contract of employment, or by a separate
written instrument, any right to compensation to which he would
be entitled because of the pre-existing permanent partial disability,
in the event of subsequent accidental injury, and in such cases the
employee so suffering an additional accidental injury, shall be en-
titled to the compensation for the disability resulting solely from such
additional accidental injury. No such waiver shall be effective un-
less the pre-existing permanent partial disability shall be plainly
described therein, nor unless the same be executed by the employee
with knowledge of its contents prior to the time of the accident
upon which the claim is based.
(c) The compensation for the foregoing specific injury shall be
paid in addition to, and consecutively with, the compensation here-
inafter provided in subsection (2) of this section. If any employee
dies from any cause or causes not compensable under this article,
the right to any compensation payable under this subsection, unpaid
at the date of his death, shall survive to his surviving dependents as
the Commission may determine, if there be such surviving dependents,
and if there be none such, then to his wife and children under
twenty-one years of age if there was, at the time of his death, a legal
obligation on the part of said employee to support his wife, and if
there was no such obligation, then to his children under twenty-one,
if any, alone.
(2) In case of temporary total disability, sixty-six and two-thirds
per centum of the average weekly wages shall be paid to the em-
ployee during the continuance thereof, but not to exceed a maxi-
mum of [forty-eight] sixty FIFTY-FIVE dollars per week, and not
less than a minimum of eighteen dollars per week, unless the em-
ployee's established weekly wages are less than eighteen dollars per
week at the time of the injury, in which event he shall receive compen-
sation equal to his full wages; but in no case to continue more than
four years. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed or applied to
affect or change the law as to any such injury or strain which oc-
curred prior to the effective date of this subsection.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved April 8, 1965.
(House Bill 270)
AN ACT to add new Sections 36 (3a) and 36(4a) to Article 101 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume),
title "Workmen's Compensation," subtitle "Claims and Compensa-
tion; Benefits," to follow immediately after Sections 36(3) and
36(4) thereof, respectively, amending the Workmen's Compensa-
tion Laws concerning benefits payable to certain persons suffering
a permanent partial disability under these laws, in order to create