The limitations of axle weights is actually for the protection of
highway surfaces and individual bridge spans. The repetition of over-
weight axles destroys the surfacing of roads and certain types of
bridges. Maryland is spending vast sums of money to improve its
highway network. All of us have every reason to be proud of what
has been and is being accomplished in our highway construction and
maintenance program. All of us, I am sure, would recoil at the sight
of any legislation that might do damage to our highways already in
existence or those that we plan to build in the future.
The vehicle which has already been operated with an overweight
axle prior to its being weighed and detected has already placed un-
reasonable stresses on the highway surfacing and bridges crossed en
route and has been operated in violation of the motor vehicle code.
The repositioning of the load after being detected does not in any way
make amends for the damage created and the violation committed.
I have discussed this problem with the heads of our State Roads
Commission and the Department of Motor Vehicles, as well as with in-
dividuals in the trucking industry. It has been suggested, and I think
that the suggestion has merit, that some study should be given to the
possibility of enacting legislation of this nature, at a future session
of the General Assembly, on a temporary basis. By that I mean the
enactment of a bill having a one, two, or three year duration. By the
experience gained during that trial period, we can determine whether
or not surfaces of our highways are being damaged by this type of
legislation and whether the law should be removed completely from
our books or be made permanent.
With kindest personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Senate Bill No. 603—State Roads Commission
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 1 and
7A of Article 89B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replace-
ment Volume), title "State Roads," subtitle "In General" authorizing
the Governor to appoint an acting Chairman of the State Roads
Commission during the absence or temporary disability of the Chair-
man and relating to the powers and duties of the Chairman (Director)
and the Commission,
May 4, 1965.
Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Con-
stitution, I am returning herewith Senate Bill 603, 1965 Session,
which has been vetoed by me today.