plicability of requirements for the filing of copies of plats of sub-
divisions with clerks of circuit courts in the counties or with the
Clerk of Superior Court in Baltimore City in order to require that
a copy of all such plats offered for recordation is sent to the Super-
visor of Assessments of the county or Baltimore City, and to relate
generally to the filing of subdivision plats offered for recordation.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 61 of Article 17 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1964 Supplement), title "Clerks of Courts," subtitle "Clerks of Cir-
cuit Courts and Superior Court of Baltimore City," be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, and that new Section 62A
be and it is hereby added to the said Article and subtitle of the Code
(1957 Edition), to follow immediately after Section 62 thereof, and
to read as follows:
The maker of the said plat or plats, when the same shall be pre-
sented for record, shall furnish the clerk of the circuit court [three]
two copies of such plat or plats and shall pay to the clerk a fee of five
dollars for each set of plats so offered. One copy shall be by said
clerk securely fastened in the book provided by said clerk for that
purpose, or recorded in the manner provided by law for the filing and
recording of such plat. One copy shall promptly be sent, with one-half
of the filing fee, to the Commissioner of the Land Office, who shall
number and file the same as a part of the substance records of his
office, and notify the clerk of the number so given. [The third copy
of the plat shall be sent by the clerk to the supervisor of assessments
in the county or Baltimore City in which the subdivision is located.]
The Commissioner of the Land Office shall furnish, free of cost, to
any of the supervisors of assessments of this State, a copy of such
plat on request. Nothing in this section shall affect any recording fee
of the clerk of the court under any local legislation prescribing
recording fees of plats of subdivisions. The several clerks aforesaid
and the Commissioner of the Land Office shall keep accurate memo-
randa of said filing fee, in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 198 of Article 41.
62 A.
Notwithstanding the exceptions contained in Section 62, when a
subdivision plat is presented to any of the clerks of the circuit courts
of the counties or the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City
for recordation, and in addition to the number of copies of the plat
now required by law, an additional copy of the plat shall be presented
to the clerk who shall send it to the Supervisor of Assessments of the
county or Baltimore City.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved February 18, 1965.