for the purpose of reconstructing and improving highways on the
primary and secondary systems of the State by the use of overlays
or other recognized measures of improvement; (9) to pay the cost for
maintenance, exclusive of the cost of lighting and of snow removal,
on the Interstate System of Highways within Baltimore City.
211-I. Any funds not expended by the Commission from the
amounts herein annually authorized for future right-of-way acqui-
sition, future engineering and design costs and overlays and im-
provement of highways shall revert to the construction fund of the
Commission and shall be expended by resolution of the Commission
for projects included in the document entitled "Highway Construction
Program, Fiscal Years 1965 through 1970" or for projects included
in the official "Needs Study" program of the Commission, provided,
however, such project or projects shall be included in the two year
highway construction programs hereinafter referred to in this sub-
title, and further, provided, that if any such funds shall become
available after any such two year programs are submitted to the
local officials, as provided in Section 211J of this article, but within
six months before the next regular programs are scheduled for sub-
mission, the Commission shall submit a supplemental program to* the
county or counties involved and include therein the project or projects
to be constructed and, in either case, the right of substitution pro-
vided in Section 211J shall be permitted.
211-I (1). The Commission is hereby authorized and directed
to review all existing contracts with consulting engineers and all
other existing contractual obligations entered into by or on behalf
of the Commission; and if it is determined that the interest of the
Commission will be better served, the Commission may modify, alter
or provide for the termination of such contracts.
211J. On or before July 1, 1964, there shall be prepared by the
Commission, and approved by Commission resolution and distributed
to each member of the General Assembly representing the several
counties in the State and to each Board of County Commissioners
or to each County Council, as the case may be, a highway construc-
tion program for each respective county which shall include the
following: (1) the highway construction and reconstruction projects
on both the primary and secondary systems of the State Highway
System, including projects in the "Go" Program approved by the
1960 session of the General Assembly but not advertised for con-
struction as of the effective date of this Act, which will be con-
structed or placed under contract for construction during the fiscal
years beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1966; (2) such
programs shall specifically enumerate by location, or other appro-
priate designation, each of said construction projects and list the
order of their priority for construction purposes; (3) the programs
shall give the month and year engineering work will be started on
each project, the estimated date right-of-way acquisition is sched-
uled to commence and the estimated date construction is scheduled
to commence, and such two year programs and programs provided
for in Sections 211K and 211L of this sub-title shall include the
construction projects listed in the document entitled "Highway Con-
struction Program, Fiscal Years 1965 through 1970". Within sixty
days after receipt of such program by such members of the Legis-
lature and local governing bodies the Commission shall by its resolu-
tion except in the case of all projects partially financed by Federal