Treasurer upon the orders of the Commission and upon warrants of
the State Comptroller, for the following purposes: (1) The portion
of the proceeds representing accrued interest shall be deposited in
the sinking fund provided for in Section 211F of this subheading for
application on account of the first installment of interest due on such
bonds; (2) the portion of the proceeds representing any premium
received on the sale of said bonds shall likewise be deposited in said
sinking fund for application on account of the first installment of
the maturing principal of the bonds; (3) there shall be payable from
the proceeds the cost of engraving, printing, advertising, attorney's
fees and other outlays with respect to the issuance of the bonds; (4)
there shall be payable from the proceeds an appropriate proportion
as determined by the Commission, of any fees, salaries or expenses
of private accountants, attorneys, engineers, planners or other pro-
fessional assistants whom the Commission is authorized to retain
for the purpose of assisting in the financing, planning, highway
construction and reconstruction contemplated by this subheading;
(5) there shall be payable from said proceeds all or part of the costs
of constructing new primary and secondary roads on the State high-
way system; reconstructing, rehabilitating or relocating existing
roads, already comprising parts of said system; the acquisition of
rights of way, easements or other interests in real estate necessary
to such construction and reconstruction; and the preparation of
surveys, plans and studies as may be necessary for such construction
or reconstruction or for the effective modernization of said State
highway system. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the proceeds may be used to pay the cost of all or part of a project,
as such term is defined in Section 29, as amended, of this Article, the
cost of all or a part of a parkway or freeway authorized by Sections
213 to 219, inclusive, of this Article and to pay all or part of the
expenditures authorized by Section 211C of this Article.
211F. Taxes to cover payment of principal and interest; sinking
For the payment of the principal of and the interest on the bonds
issued pursuant to Section 211A of this subheading, as such principal
and interest shall become due and payable, there shall be and is here-
by laid an annual tax which shall consist of the following: (1) Such
amounts as may be necessary of the proceeds of the additional 1%
of the excise tax on the issuance of certificates of title of motor
vehicles imposed by the Acts of the 1964 Session of the General As-
sembly of Maryland; (2) such amounts as may be necessary of that
portion of the additional 1¢ a gallon increase in the gasoline tax
fund imposed under the Acts of the 1964 Session of the General
Assembly of Maryland and allocated to the Commission. The taxes
imposed by items (1) and (2) above shall be, to the extent necessary,
exclusively used for the payment of the principal and interest on the
bonds authorized by Section 211A of this Article. So long as any of
the bonds issued pursuant to the authority of Section 211A of this
subheading shall remain outstanding and unpaid, there shall be
deposited in a sinking fund to be established by the Commission to
secure the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, annu-
ally or oftener as received, so much of the proceeds of the taxes laid
under this section as shall be necessary to maintain in said sinking
fund a sum equal to the amount required to pay the principal of and
the interest on such of the bonds as shall be then outstanding, which
will become payable in the current calendar year and in the next