Edition, being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land), title "Allegany County," subtitle "Juvenile Court," be and
they are hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That new Section 34A, be and
it is hereby added to said Allegany County Code to follow immediately
after Section 34 thereof to be under the subtitle "Circuit Court" and
under the new subheading "Probation Officer," and to read as fol-
Probation Officer
The judges of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Maryland shall ap-
point a suitable person to act as Probation Officer for the Circuit
Court for Allegany County, Maryland, who shall receive such salary
or compensation as may be fixed by such judges, and such additional
traveling expenses as may be approved by the judges. The Proba-
tion Officer shall be at all times subject to the orders and directions,
and shall be under the supervision of the appointing judges. In the
execution of his office he shall be vested with all the privileges and
authority of constables. He shall have the power to bring any child
or children or any adults who may be on probation before the Circuit
Court for Allegany County by a process or warrant duly sworn to
charging him or them with violation of the terms or conditions of
their probation, or by subpoena directed to them for further proceed-
ings, and when such action is taken the Court may continue the pro-
ceedings and finally dispose of the same as fully as could have been
done had there been no suspension of sentence or proceedings in the
first place; provided, however, that in any case where a full trial or
hearing has not been held and the charge has not been fully shown,
sustained or determined before suspension of sentence or further pro-
ceedings, the Court shall hold the case under consideration before
sentence is passed or a final disposition of the case is made. The Court
shall have the authority to extend the term of probation for any time
and such additional period as may be deemed proper, and may attach
thereto the same, or additional terms and conditions, as were origin-
ally attached or may at any time dismiss the probationer and the
proceedings in which sentence or further proceedings were originally
suspended. The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall and
are hereby directed to make all necessary levies and appropriations to
pay the salary and expenses of the Probation Officer provided for
in this section.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That new Section 35(f) be and
it is hereby added to said Allegany County Code, subtitle "Classified
Service," to follow immediately after Section 35 (e) thereof and to
read as follows:
(f) The position of Clerk for juvenile causes under the Circuit
Court of Allegany County is included in the classified service of
Allegany County.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That on the effective date of
this Act, all staff officers and employees of the Magistrate for juve-
nile causes and of the former Judicial Court of Allegany County, if