House Resolution No. 5—By Delegates Houck and Latham:
House Resolution commending and thanking the detail of State
troopers attached to the Governor's office.
The House of Delegates of Maryland commend and thank most
heartily the detail of troopers assigned to the Governor's office for
their many helpful courtesies during the 1964 sessions of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland.
These gentlemen are: Capt. Carroll C. Serman, 1st Sgt. S. I.
Kaplow, 1st Sgt. Hughy Salfner and Cpl. Glenn Bramble. They are
assigned to the Governor's office on a year-round basis and have con-
tributed very much to the quiet and efficient workings of that office
in relation to the members of the General Assembly.
At all times these men have served in the highest traditions of the
Maryland State Police. They have been courteous and effective and
they deserve the thanks of every member of the General Assembly;
now, therefore be it
Resolved by the House of Delegates of Maryland, That the sincere
thanks and appreciation of every member of the House are extended
to Captain Serman, 1st Sgt. Kaplow, 1st Sgt. Salfner and Cpl.
Bramble, members of the Maryland State Police who are attached to
the Governor's office; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the House be instructed to send
copies of this Resolution to Capt. Carroll C. Serman, 1st Sgt. S. I.
Kaplow, 1st Sgt. Hughy Salfner and Cpl. Glenn Bramble; and also to
send copies to the Governor of Maryland and to the Superintendent of
the Maryland State Police.
Read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. Lowe, duly seconded and two-thirds of the
members-elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended by
yeas and nays as follows for the purpose of reporting House Bill No. 56
on same day as received by Committee.
Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Bertier, Duvall, Fallon, Helms, Larrimore, McNulty,
Weidemeyer, Benner, Dowell, Linton, Boone, Bossle, MacDaniel, Medairy, Peters, Price,
Rush, Spurrier, Staten, Stone, Tyler, Harrison, Latham, Lowe (T.), Butler, Long (Chas.),
Quinn, Bennett, Matthews, Merry weather, Spicer, Burkheimer, Harris, Johnson, Con-
roy, Dentz, Goodman, Hart, Koonce, Machen, Marshall, McDonough, Wineland, Hick-
man (C. M.), Risley, Byron, Collins, Houck, Payne, Remsberg, Virts, Blair, Hardwicke,
Hess, Scarff, Blades, Wise, Bullock, Dembowski, Kosakowski, Mrozinski, Silk, Walters,
Antonelli, Behounek, Holub, Lapides, McCourt, Ray, Acker, Krug, Mooney, O'Connell,
O'Malley, Tawney, Abramson (J.), Abramson (M.), Dixon, Epstein, Mitchell, Young,
Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Siegel, Silver, Stark, Baumann, Corrigan, Murphy, Wheat-
ley, Dillon, Grumbacher, Huyett, Spence, Tingle, Anderson (T. M.), Blondes, Bresler,
Cook (E. P.), Doing, McAuliffe, McInerney, Miller, Moore, Anderson (F. H.), Beall,
Cook (N. S.), Reed, See, Williams, Dulany, Magin, O'Farrell, Yingling, Hanna, War-
field, Caldwell, Long (J. J.), Lowe (H.), White, Bray, Glotfelty, Groves. Total—127