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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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1964]                                 OF THE SENATE                                  107

Amendment No. 5—In line 7 of the title of the third reading file bill,
strike out the word "Chief".

Which amendment was read and concurred in.

Amendment No. 6—In line 10 of the title of the third reading file bill
immediately following the word "to" insert the following: "suspend the
imposition of a sentence, to".

Which amendment was read and concurred in.

Amendment No. 7—In line 10 of the title of the third reading file bill
immediately following the word "verdict" add the following: ", or to make
conditions of suspension of sentence and probation".

Which amendment was read and concurred in.

Amendment No. 8—Following line 9 of Section 1 on page 1 of the
third reading file bill insert the following new Section:

"152B. No person shall be qualified to stand for election or to hold
the office of Judge of the People's Court of Howard County unless he
possesses the following qualifications:

"(a) He is at least thirty (30) years of age and less than seventy
(70) years of age, and

" (b) A member of the Bar of the State of Maryland, and

"(c) A resident of Howard County continuously for at least one (1)
year immediately prior to his appointment or election, and

"(d) Is distinguished for integrity, wisdom, and sound legal knowl-

Which amendment was read and concurred in.

Amendment No. 9—Strike out all of lines 4 to 7, inclusive, of Section
152E on page 1 of the third reading file bill and insert in lieu thereof the
following: "receive such annual salary as may be established by the
County Commissioners from time to time."

Which amendment was read and concurred in.

On motion of Senator Clark, the House amendments were concurred
in and Bill as amended was passed by yeas and nays as follows:



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Dean, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hepbron, Hodges, Hughes (G.), Hughes (H.), Mach, Malkus, Nock, North, Parran,
Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Roney, Sanford, Snyder, Weant, Welcome, Wheatley—Total 29.

Senate Bill No. 8—By Senator Snyder:


Endorsed, read the third time and passed by yeas and nays.


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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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