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Session Laws, 1964
Volume 672, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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40                                LAWS OF MARYLAND                        [CH. 17

allowed number, the number of allowed staff members shall be multi-
plied by the average prescribed salary for the total number of pro-
fessional staff members employed. Further, in calculating the total
amount of required prescribed salaries for all subdivisions, no adjust-
ments shall be made for salary changes
lowed positions after October 31 of any school year, and no adjust-
ments shall be made for allowed staff members added or eliminated
after March 1 of any school year.

(4) Local Share. To be eligible to receive the State Share of Cur-
rent Expenses, the Board of County Commissioners of each of the
several counties and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
levy an annual tax for public schools sufficient to provide an amount
equal 1.228 per cent of the sum of adjusted assessed valuation of real
property and net taxable ordinary income for each of the several
counties and Baltimore City, exclusive of the amount levied for debt
service or capital outlay for public schools.

(5)   The State Share of Current Expenses shall be the difference
between the local share calculated in (4) and the adjusted expenditure
for current expenses as calculated in (1), (2), and (3), all these
references being to paragraphs in this subsection.

(6)  For each county and Baltimore City the following calculations
shall be made: $98 shall be multiplied by the number of pupils en-
rolled on September 30 of the school year for which the calculation
is made, to which shall be added the adjustment for increased enroll-
ment as calculated in paragraph (2) of this subsection and from
which shall be subtracted the product of $6,200 multiplied by one
staff member for each 1,000 of the first 5,000 pupils or major portion
thereof. To this figure shall be added or subtracted the adjustment
for minimum salaries and staffing level as calculated in paragraph
(3) of this subsection. In the event that the amount arrived at by
this calculation exceeds the amount of the State's share calculated in
paragraph (5) of this subsection, to such county or Baltimore City,
the State shall pay the larger amount. The amounts of State aid pro-
vided under this section shall be in addition to any amounts provided
for elsewhere in this Article.

(7)  Neither a county Board of Education or the Board of Educa-
tion of Baltimore City may spend for other current expenses less
than $61 for each pupil enrolled as of September 30 of the current
year, plus $30 for each additional pupil enrolled in excess of the
number enrolled on September 30 of the preceding year.

(8)  Aid calculated under the provisions of this subsection shall not
duplicate any aid received under the provisions of Section 90 of Ar-
ticle 66-

(c) In the event that for any county or Baltimore City, the sum
of (1) the total cost of the current expense program to be shared by
the State under Section 220(b) of this
Act ARTICLE for the school
year 1964-65 and (2) the local appropriation for the school year 1963-
6k for salary supplementation beyond the salaries prescribed in Sec-
tions 106, 148,
157 159 of this Act ARTICLE and for other current ex-
penses in excess of $61.00 per pupil
than the sum of (3) total State aid for current expenses for the school
year 1964-65 as provided under Section 220 (b) of this
and (4) the total local appropriation for current expenses for the


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Session Laws, 1964
Volume 672, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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