duties of the Department and the Commission to a new Department
of Water Resources, making corrections therein, providing for
the renumbering and recodification of certain powers and duties
given to the Department of Water Resources, and relating gen-
erally to water resources in the State.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 15, 16, and 17 of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Natural Resources," sub-title "In
General," subheading "Department of Geology, Mines and Water Re-
sources," be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, and that the sub-heading "Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources" be and it is hereby changed to be "Mary-
land Geological Survey"; that Sections 34, 35, 37, 41, 45, 719, 728, 729,
733, and 755 of the said Article of the Code (1957 Edition and 1963
Supplement), sub-titles respectively "In General," and "Water Re-
sources," subheadings respectively "Water Pollution Control Com-
mission," "In General," and "Well Drillers," be and they are hereby
repealed; that Section 487 of the said Article of the Code, sub-title
"Mining," subheading "In General," be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments; that new Article 96A be and it
is hereby added to the said Code (1957 Edition), to follow imme-
diately after Article 96½ thereof and to be entitled "Water Re-
sources"; that Sections 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727,
730, 731, 732, and 734 of the said Article 66C of the Code (1957 Edi-
tion and 1963 Supplement), sub-title "Water Resources," subheading
"In General," be and they are hereby recodified and renumbered,
the said sections to be recodified and renumbered as Sections 10
through 22, inclusive, of said Article 96A of the Code and to be under
the new sub-title "Appropriation of Waters; Reservoirs and Dams,"
and that Sections 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44 of the said Article
66C of the Code (1957 Edition and 1963 Supplement), sub-title "In
General," subheading "Water Pollution Control Commission," be
and they are hereby recodified and renumbered, said sections to be
recodified and renumbered as Sections 23 through 29, inclusive, of
the said Article 96A of the Code and to be under the new sub-title
"Pollution Abatement"; that Sections 735 through 754, inclusive, of
the said Article 66C of the Code (1957 Edition), sub-title "Water Re-
sources," subheading "Well Drillers," be and they are hereby recodi-
fied and renumbered, the said sections to be recodified and renum-
bered as Sections 30 through 49, inclusive, of the said Article 96A
of the Code and to be under the new sub-title "Well Drillers," and
all to read as follows:
15. [The Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources is
hereby created, to supersede the present State Geological and Eco-
nomic Survey Advisory Commission, the Bureau of Mines, the Water
Front Commission, and the Water Resources Commission, and take
over all of the personnel powers and duties exercised by those
agencies.] The Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources
as it existed on June 1, 1964, is continued, to be known hereafter as
the Maryland Geological Survey and to have the rank of a department
as heretofore. The Department shall be under the direction of a Com-
mission which shall consist of five members appointed by the Gov-
ernor from among the citizens of the State with character, ability
and active interest in the proper development, use and conservation
of such resources. The members shall select their own chairman.