J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 691
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, in his visits to the different
Commissioner's districts of said Somerset County for the purpose
of receiving and collecting State and county taxes provided in the
preceding section, and at all other times, to inform himself by all
lawful means of all property, stock or investments in said county
subject to taxation and not included in the last revised list of assess-
ments, and of all buildings and improvements, and all property
created or acquired since said revised assessments, and he shall value
the same at full cash value thereof and shall make returns thereof to
the County Commissioners, and for the purpose of this section the
said Treasurer shall be clothed with the power of general assessor,
and his valuation of any property shall be subject to revision and
correction by said County Commissioners; and nothing in this section
shall be construed to interfere with or affect the right, powers and
duties of the County Commissioners under and by virtue of the
General Laws of the State in relation to such new and other assess-
ments of property .]
Whenever any land shall be sold by the Treasurer, the owner
thereof, or any person for him, may redeem the same by paying into
the Circuit Court for Somerset County, in equity, to be paid to the
purchaser of said land, within the period of twelve months from the
date of such sale, the amount of the purchase money, with interest
thereon at the rate of fifteen per cent, per annum from the date of
such sale, and by paying the costs of the proceedings, and the Clerk
of the Circuit Court aforesaid shall immediately, upon receipt of
such payment, make an entry thereof upon his docket, in the cause
wherein said sale is reported; and the said Treasurer shall thereupon
pay to the Clerk of said Court, to be by him forthwith paid to the
owner or person redeeming said land, any sum in his possession aris-
ing from the sale of said land, over and above the amount of taxes,
interest and costs, due at the time of said sale. Provided, nothing
herein contained shall be construed to interfere with or defeat any
sale of real estate made by said Treasurer heretofore, or any pro-
ceedings thereunder.]
The Treasurer shall receive as compensation for his services as
Treasurer and as Clerk to the said County Commissioners an annual
salary of two thousand dollars payable by the said County Commis-
sioners in equal monthly installments on the first of each and every
The County Commissioners shall appoint and furnish the Treasurer
an office in the Courthouse for transaction of his official business
which office shall be the County Commissioner's office, and the said
office shall be open for that purpose each day of the year, Saturday,
Sunday and legal holidays excepted, from [8] 9 o'clock A.M. to 5 P.M.
[, except on Saturdays when said office shall be open from 8 A.M. to
12 o'clock noon.]