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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 637   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor                      639

(House Bill 371)

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 266A (c)
of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1962 Supple-
ment), title "Health," subtitle "Commissioners of Pharmacy";
providing additional grounds for the revocation or suspension of
pharmacists license by the Board of Pharmacy for certain acts
herein declared to be grossly unprofessional conduct, and relating
generally to the practice of pharmacy.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 266A (c) of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1962 Supplement), title "Health," subtitle "Commissioners of
Pharmacy," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:


(c) The Board's power either to reprimand a pharmacist or assist-
ant pharmacist or to suspend or revoke his license shall be for any
of the following causes:

(1) Conviction of:

(1)   A crime involving professional misconduct respecting the
pharmacy drug laws.

(ii) A crime involving the State Uniform Narcotic Drug Act or
the federal narcotic laws.

(iii) His addiction to the use of morphine, cocaine, or narcotics
of any kind.

(iv) His knowingly, intentionally or fradulently adulterating, or
causing to be adulterated, drugs, chemicals or medicinal preparations.

(2)   Procuring, or attempting to procure, registration in Mary-
land as a pharmacist for himself or another by knowingly making or
causing to be made false representations to the Board.

(3)   Adjudication as an incompetent under the provisions of Ar-
ticle 59 of this Code.

(4)    [Paying rebates or entering into any agreement for payment
of rebates to any physician, dentist or other person for the recom-
mending of the services of any person.]

Upon proof satisfactory to the Board of Pharmacy that a pharma-
cist or assistant pharmacist is guilty of grossly unprofessional con-
duct. The following acts on the part of a pharmacist or assistant
pharmacist are hereby declared to constitute grossly unprofessional

(i) Paying rebates or entering into an agreement for payment of
rebates to any physician, dentist or other person for the recommend-
ing of the services of any person.

(ii) The providing or causing to be provided to physician, dentist,
veterinarian, or other medical practitioners, prescription blanks or


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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 637   View pdf image (33K)
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