Trotting Races, Inc., shall be awarded a license and dates for racing
at the track or tracks of one or more licensees under Section 7 during
nine (9) calendar years, it shall be deemed to have forfeited its right
to conduct racing after said ninth year and it shall not thereafter be
awarded dates or a license for racing of any kind, and the number
of racing days theretofore annually awarded to it may thereafter be
awarded by the Racing Commission to the licensees under Section 7
in addition to the aggregate number of days then awardable to such
licensees pursuant to Section 7(b).
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the
contrary, for each racing day awarded to it and run on the track of
a licensee under Section 7 of this article, Harford County Fair
Association, Inc., and Baltimore Trotting Races, Inc., shall pay to
the Racing Commission the same license fee as is then payable by a
licensee under Section 7 pursuant to the provisions of Section 8, in
lieu of the license fee then payable by a licensee under Section 15
or Section 17, and in addition thereto for each such racing day
awarded to it Harford County Fair Association, Inc., shall pay to
the County Treasurer of Harford County the sum of Fifty Dollars
($50.00) to be deposited to the credit of said County.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the
contrary, with respect to all races conducted by or for it on the track
of a licensee under Section 7 of this article Harford County Fair
Association, Inc., and Baltimore Trotting Races, Inc., (i) shall pay
to the Racing Commission, shall be entitled to deduct and retain for
its own account, and shall allocate for purses and to the Maryland-
Bred Race Fund the same tax on pari-mutuel wagers, the same share
of the breakage, and the same percentage of the pari-mutuel pool
as is then payable, deductible and retainable, or allocable by licensees
under Section 7 of this article pursuant to the provisions of Sections
14(a), 14(b), 11 (b) and 18A, all in lieu of the tax on pari-mutuel
wagers, the share of the breakage, and the percentage of the mutuel
pool then payable to the Racing Commission or Comptroller, or
deductible and retainable, or allocable for purses and to the Maryland-
Bred Race Fund by licensees under Section 15 or Section 17 of this
article; and (ii) shall be subject to all of the provisions of Section 12
of this article dealing with the "Racing Fund" to the same extent
as if it were referred to in Section 12, except that its pro-rata share
of the Racing Fund may be granted by the Racing Commission, and,
if so, is hereby appropriated for capital improvements, as authorized
in Section 12, at the track or tracks of the licensee or licensees where-
on the races were run.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, Cum-
berland Fair Association, Inc., may, with the approval of the Racing
Commission, be awarded a license and dates for racing at the track of
Maryland State Fair and Agricultural Society, provided that Mary-
land State Fair and Agricultural Society consents thereto; and the
Racing Commission is specifically authorized to approve agreements
between licensees providing for the running of the dates of Cumber-
land Fair Association, Inc., by and at the track of Maryland State
Fair and Agricultural Society for a period or periods aggregating
not more than nine (9) years. If Cumberland Fair Association, Inc.,
shall be awarded a license and dates for racing at the track of Mary-
land State Fair and Agricultural Society during nine (9) calendar
years, it shall be deemed to have forfeited its right to conduct racing