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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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54                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                       [CH. 39

(1957 Edition and 1962 Supplement), title "Testamentary Law",
sub-title "Widows and Widowers", to provide that Sections 331,
332 and 333 shall be applicable to surviving husbands as well as
surviving wives.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 331, 332 and 333 of Article 93 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1962 Supplement), title "Testa-
mentary Law", sub-title "Widows and Widowers", be and they are
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:


If the will of the husband or wife devise a part of both real and
personal estate [she] the surviving spouse shall renounce the whole,
or be otherwise barred of pier] his or her right to both real and
personal estate.


If the will devise only a part of the real estate, or only a part of
the personal estate, the devise shall bar [her] the surviving spouse
of only the real or personal estate, as the case may require; provided,
nevertheless, that if the devise of either real or personal estate, or
both, shall be expressly in lieu of [her] the surviving spouse's legal
share of one or both, [she] the surviving spouse shall accordingly be
barred unless [she] he or she renounce as aforesaid.


But if in effect nothing shall pass by such devise, [she] the sur-
viving spouse
shall not be thereby barred whether he or she shall
or shall not renounce as aforesaid. In such case the widow or widower
shall take one-third of the lands as an heir and one-third of surplus
personal estate (if the deceased husband or wife shall be survived
by descendants); and one-half the lands as an heir and one-half the
surplus personal estate (if the deceased husband or wife shall not be
survived by descendants, but shall be survived by father or mother);
and four thousand dollars or its equivalent in property, or any in-
terest therein at its appraised value, and one-half of the residue of
the lands as an heir and one-half of the surplus personal estate re-
maining (if the deceased husband or wife shall not be survived by
descendants or a father or a mother, but shall be survived by a
brother or sister or a child or descendant of a brother or sister)
and no more.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.

Approved February 26, 1963.

(Senate Bill 76)

AN ACT to add new Section 188B to Article 41 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1962 Supplement), title


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Session Laws, 1963
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