J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 401
before required in this subtitle. And any willfully false oath by said
surety or sureties as to any of the aforegoing facts or as to any of
the information submitted under oath to the State's Attorney of
Dorchester County, shall be deemed perjury, and upon conviction
shall subject such person or persons to the penalty prescribed by
Section 439 of Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land (1957 Edition), title "Crimes and Punishments," subtitle "Per-
jury," and any conviction as aforesaid shall disqualify said person
or persons from further suretyship on any bond or bonds in criminal
cases before any COURT OR Trial Magistrate of Dorchester County.
If any Trial Magistrate of Dorchester County shall accept any
person or persons as surety or sureties in violation of the require-
ments in this subtitle, he or they shall be deemed guilty of misdemean-
or in office, and shall be subject to removal by the judge or judges
having criminal jurisdiction in Dorchester County on conviction in
a court of law.
Any division of any premium charge on any bond accepted under
the provisions of this subtitle, among the surety or sureties on said
bond and any Trial Magistrate accepting said bond or any constable
or any police officer in Dorchester County, directly or indirectly,
shall constitute a misdemeanor in office on the part of said Trial
Magistrate, as well as the constable or any police officer so receiving
the same, or any part thereof and shall subject said Trial Magistrate,
constable or police officer to removal by the judge or judges of the
Circuit Court for Dorchester County on conviction in a court of law.
So far as such surety or sureties are concerned conviction of said
Trial Magistrate, Police Officer or constable, as the case may be,
shall constitute disqualification of such surety or sureties for any
future bond in any criminal case before a ANY COURT OR Trial
Magistrate in Dorchester County.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any Provision, Sentence,
Clause, Word or Portion of this Act or the application thereof to
any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not
affect other provisions or applications of this Act which can be given
effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end
the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved March 29, 1963.
(House Bill 149)
AN ACT to add a new Section 11 to Article 49B of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Interracial Commission,"
to follow immediately after Section 10 thereof, and to be under the