Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legis-
lative Council be requested following the 1963 Session to reappoint
its Committee on Prison Administration and to request this Com-
mittee when appointed to continue the valuable studies made by it
during 1960, 1961 and 1962.
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 49
(Senate Joint Resolution 33)
Senate Joint Resolution commending and congratulating Allegany
High School for winning the "A" Title in the State High School
Basketball Tournament.
On Saturday, March 9,1963, the basketball team of Allegany High
School of Cumberland won the State "A" title in the high school
basketball tournament.
Allegany High School displayed a tremendous team effort in its
final game which was won against Springbrook High School by a
score of 57-39.
The team from Allegany County has had a highly successful sea-
son, having finished with a record of 20 wins and 4 losses. The team
won every championship for which it was eligible, including that in
the City of Cumberland, the Western Maryland Inter-Scholastic
League and also the county, district and finally the State champion-
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland join in con-
gratulating and commending the high school athletes not only of
Allegany High School but of the entire State. They have all shown
ability and determination and deserve the plaudits of the entire State;
now therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sincere
congratulations of this body be extended to the basketball team of
Allegany High School in the City of Cumberland for winning the
State "A" title in the high school basketball tournament; and be it
Resolved, That congratulations and commendation be extended also
to high school athletes throughout the State who participated in this
splendid winter sport.
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 50
(Senate Joint Resolution 34)
Senate Joint Resolution expressing deepest regrets over the passing
of Judge Morris A. Soper.
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland heard with
deep regret of the passing of Judge Morris A. Soper.