J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 2151
DIRECTED to investigate, study and report upon the need for and the
feasibility of enclosing the open or uncovered portions of the storm
water and surface drainage systems in the developed area with Mont-
gomery County which is in the Washington Suburban Sanitary Dis-
trict, the investigation, study and report to include not only such sys-
tem or portions thereof as may be under the jurisdiction of the said
Commission but also those maintained or operated by other public and
by non-public parties, with the study and report to include both the
engineering and economic aspects of the problem and of any recom-
mended solution thereof; and be it further
Resolved, That the study, report and recommendations of the
Commission shall include a suggested order or priority of need
for enclosing or covering open channels and drains, the method
of providing the financing to meet such costs, and, further, whether
future storm or surface water systems, or portions thereof, con-
structed by any party in the herein mentioned area should be re-
quired to be closed or covered; and be it further
Resolved, That in making the necessary surveys and preparing
the report, the Commission may engage the services of experts and
consultants and may utilize its own forces, and the REASONABLE
expenses to be incurred by the Commission in performing the duties
requested of it herein shall be paid for from the proceeds of bonds to
be issued by the Commission for storm water or surface drainage
system needs in the Montgomery County portion of the Washington
Suburban Sanitary District; and be it further
Resolved, That the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is
requested DIRECTED to report the results of such studies and its
recommendations to the members of the General Assembly from
Montgomery County not later than November 1, 1964 JANUARY 6,
OCTOBER 1, 1964; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby re-
quested to send a copy of this resolution, under the Great Seal of the
State of Maryland, to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis-
sion, and to the president of the Montgomery County Council.
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 39
(House Joint Resolution 74)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Comptroller of the Treasury
of Maryland, the Federal Trade Commission and the Congress
of the United States to make a joint study and inquiry into the
differentials between wholesale and retail prices of alcoholic bev-
erages in Maryland and the District of Columbia and making
recommendations respecting proposed legislation concerning the
alcoholic beverage industry in Maryland and the need for addi-
tional legislation respecting the distribution and sale of alcoholic
beverages in Maryland.