J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 2075
(c) The Chief Clerk shall establish and maintain a complete and
accurate system of books and accounts for the effective control of
all monies received, disbursed or otherwise handled by the People's
Court. In the establishment of such accounting and recording prac-
tices and procedures he shall seek the advice of the State Auditor,
who shall study and review the systems of accounting and methods
of bookkeeping proposed to be established, and direct such revi-
sions therein as to him seem necessary or desirable. The Chief Clerk
shall comply with all directives of the State Auditor respecting the
bookkeeping and accounting procedures of the office, and shall
insure that such procedures continually conform to said directives.
The Chief Clerk shall file with the county commissioners at least
once monthly, a verified account of all fines, forfeitures, penalties,
fees and costs imposed by said Court during the previous month
which are payable to the county commissioners. Said account shall
show the amounts paid in each case, the nature of the charge for
which payment was made, the nature of the case and the name of
the party making payment. At the time of filing any account the
Chief Clerk shall pay over to the county commissioners the amount
of said fines, forfeitures, penalties, fees and costs received. All pay-
ments required by law to be made to the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles or to the State of Maryland shall be promptly made in
accordance with law and with such regulations consistent therewith
as the said Commissioner of Motor Vehicles or the Comptroller of
the State of Maryland, respectively, shall prescribe. All monies re-
ceived from the imposition of fines, forfeitures, penalties, fees and
costs shall be promptly deposited in a bank account maintained in
the name of the Chief Clerk in his official capacity where they shall
be retained until payment is made thereof to the officials to whom
they are due.
14A-11. (a) In addition to the Chief Clerk, there shall be three
(3) senior clerks of the People's Court who shall receive minimum
annual salaries of forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500), three (3)
junior clerks who shall receive minimum annual salaries of thirty-
five hundred dollars ($3,500), four (4) constables who shall receive
minimum annual salaries of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500),
and such additional employees as the Chief Judge may from time
to time deem necessary who shall receive such salaries as are pro-
vided in the annual county budget. The Chief Clerk with the ap-
proval of the Chief Judge, shall make the appointments to all such
positions and shall supervise and direct the work thereof.
(b) The county commissioners of Anne Arundel County are
authorized and directed to annually appropriate an amount sufficient
for the proper and effective administration of the People's Court.
14A-12. Any defendant, or his agent, or his attorney, who shall
make suggestion in writing, upon oath, that he does not believe such
defendant can have a fair and impartial trial in any case pending
for trial before a Judge, shall have the right at any time before
trial, upon making said written suggestion and oath to the Judge
before whom the case is pending for trial, to have the pending case
removed for trial to another Judge; the said Judge shall forthwith
transfer all papers and a record of his proceedings in the case to
another Judge for disposition.