said Commission shall fix and levy a benefit charge as of the first day
of [January] July in which the project was completed upon all prop-
erty in said sanitary district abutting upon said water main or sewer,
in accordance with the classification or subdivision thereof, and shall
in writing, notify all owners of said properties into which class and
subdivision their respective properties fall and the charge determined
upon, naming also in said notice a time and place, when and at which
time said owner will be heard. Such notice may be mailed to the last
known address of the owner, or served in person upon any adult
occupying the premises or in case of a vacant or unimproved property
posted upon the premises. The classification of and the benefit as-
sessed against any property as made by the Commission shall be final,
subject only to revision at said hearing. The Commission may change
the classification of property from time to time as said properties
change in the uses to which they are put. Said benefits shall be levied
for both water supply and sewerage construction and shall be based
for each class of property upon the number of front feet abutting upon
the street, lane, road, alley or right-of-way in which the water pipe or
sewer is placed; provided, however, that in the case of any irregular
shaped lot abutting upon a road, street, lane, alley or right-of-way in
which there is or is being constructed a water main or sewer at any
point, said lot shall be assessed for such frontage as the Commission
may determine to be reasonable and fair; and provided further that
no lot in a subdivision property shall be assessed on more than one
side, unless said lot abuts upon two parallel streets, that corner lots
may be averaged and assessed upon such frontage as the Commission
may deem reasonable and fair, and that all lots in this class shall be
assessed even though a water main or sewer may not extend along the
full length of any boundary; and provided further, that no land so
classified as agricultural by this Commission shall be assessed a front
foot benefit when said agricultural land has constructed through it or
in front of it a sewer or water main, until such time as the water or
sewer connection is made, and when so made and for every connection
such land shall become liable to a front foot assessment for such
reasonable frontage not exceeding three hundred (300) feet, [or] as
may be determined by said Commission, and shall be immediately
assessed at the rate of assessment determined by said Commission for
agricultural land.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Sections 9-20, 9-21, 9-22,
and 9-25 of the Anne Arundel County Code—1957 (being Article 2
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Anne Arundel
County," subtitle "Chap. 9. Finance and Taxation," subheading
"Article II. Budget Department," be and they are hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments; that Section 9-26 thereof be and
it is hereby repealed; that Section 9-28 thereof be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; that Section 9-55 of said
Article and subtitle, subheading "Article III. Treasurer," be and it is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and that Section
9-74 of said Article and subtitle, subheading "Article V. Assessment
and Levy," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, and all to read as follows:
Sec. 9-20. Information to be submitted on oath to county business
manager by county agencies.
Every county agency shall submit to the county business manager