(c) Methods of fixing benefit charges.—Benefit charges for water
supply and sewerage construction shall be based for each class of
property upon the number of front feet abutting upon the street,
lane, road, alley or right-of-way in which the water pipe or sewer is
placed; provided, however, that in the case of any irregular shaped
lot abutting upon a road, street, lane, alley or right-of-way in which
there is or is being constructed a water main or sewer at any point,
said lot shall be assessed for such frontage as the Commission may
determine to be reasonable and fair; and provided further that no
lot in a subdivision property shall be assessed on more than one side,
unless said lot abuts upon two parallel streets, that corner lots may
be averaged or assessed upon such frontage as the Commission may
deem reasonable and fair, and that all lots in this class shall be
assessed even though a water main or sewer may not extend along
the full length of any boundary; and provided further that land so
qualified as agricultural by this Commission shall be assessed a front
foot benefit on the first One Hundred Fifty (150) feet at a rate set
by the Commission. The assessment for the next One Hundred and
Fifty (150) feet shall be set by the Commission at a lower rate than
the first One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, and a frontage in excess of
Three Hundred (300) feet shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed
twenty-five percent (25%) of the rate set for the first One Hundred
Fifty (150) feet when said agricultural land has constructed through
it or in front of it a sewer or water main, until such time as the water
and sewer connection is made, and when so made and for every
connection such land shall become liable to a front foot assessment
as may be determined by said Commission for agricultural land.
Benefit charges for curb and gutter shall be based on the number of
feet abutting the street or streets on which it is installed and there
shall be no difference in rate because of classification. Benefit charges
for storm water drainage shall be based on the number of square
feet of property drained by the system. All property drained by
it shall be classified either as primary drainage or secondary drain-
age and the Commission may in its discretion impose a higher annual
assessment against property classified as primary drainage than it
does against that classified as secondary drainage.
(d) Duration and reduction.—The annual amount of any benefit
charge may be reduced from time to time by the Commission in its
discretion, if costs and conditions are deemed by it to justify such
reduction, subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of Section 516 (b)
of this subtitle. Said benefit charges shall be paid annually by all
properties against which a benefit has been assessed as long as any
of the bonds remain outstanding for payment of which the benefit
charge was originally imposed. The Commission shall at any time
permit a connection with a water main or sewer by the property
owner whose property does not abut on said water main or sewer
and who had not previously thereto paid a benefit charge for the
construction of said water main or sewer, provided, said Commission
shall classify said property and determine a front charge to be paid
by said property owner as though his or her property abutted upon
said water main or sewer; and in the event of such connection being
made, said property owner and said property as to all charges, rates
and benefits shall stand in every respect in the same position as if
the said property abutted upon a water main or sewer.
(e) Collection and liens of benefit charges.—All benefit assess-