J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1693
(House Bill 267)
AN ACT to repeal Section 118 of Article 43 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Health," subtitle "Noxious
Fumes," relating to the study and control of air pollution and the
appropriation of moneys therefor; and to add new Sections 690 to
706, inclusive, to said Article 43 (1957 Edition and 1962 Supple-
ment), to follow immediately after Section 689 thereof and to be
under the new subtitle "Air Pollution"; enacting new laws on the
subject of air pollution; defining certain terms for the purposes of
this subtitle; providing for its administration by the State Board
of Health and Mental Hygiene in conjunction with the Air Pollu-
tion Control Council herein created; relating generally to the
powers, functions and duties of the State Board of Health and
Mental Hygiene and the Air Pollution Control Council in the ad-
ministration and enforcement of this subtitle; and relating gen-
erally to the control of air pollution in this State and to the enforce-
ment and administration of this subtitle.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 118 of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition), title "Health," subtitle "Noxious Fumes," be and it
is hereby repealed; and that new Sections 690 to 706, inclusive, be
and they are hereby added to said Article 43 (1957 Edition and 1962
Supplement), to follow immediately after Section 689 thereof and
to be under the new subtitle "Air Pollution," and to read as follows:
Air Pollution
(Declaration of Policy).
It is hereby determined and declared to be the policy of the
State of Maryland to maintain such reasonable degree of purity
of the air resources of the State as shall be technically feasible,
economically reasonable, and necessary for the protection of the
health, the general welfare and the property of the people of
the State. The measures for the accomplishment of this purpose
shall not unreasonably obstruct the operation, development and
expansion of business, industry and commerce within the State,
but shall be technically feasible and economically reasonable. Such
purposes, moreover, shall at all times be sought to be effectuated by
a maximum of conference, cooperation and persuasion; provided,
however, that the Board, the Department and the Council may exer-
cise any of their respective powers and enforcement procedures here-
inafter set forth whenever they, or any of them, shall conclude that
further conference, cooperation and persuasion would be of no avail.
For the purposes of this subtitle:
(1) The term "air pollution" shall mean the presence in the out-
door atmosphere of substances in quantities, having characteristics