Provisions," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
They shall make out and publish annually in at least two news-
papers published in their respective counties if there be two, a de-
tailed, minute and accurate statement of the expenses of their said
counties, specifying therein each particular time of expense, and
for what and to whom paid, and shall also deliver to the sheriff of
their respective counties as many copies of such statement as there
are election districts in the county, at least ten days before each gen-
eral election; and the sheriff shall within six days after the receipt
of such copies set up one of them at the place of holding elections in
each election district; and the clerk of the county commissioners and
the sheriff who shall fail to perform the duty imposed by this section
shall each forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars. Provided that the
County Commissioners of St. Mary's County shall not expend more
than twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) in any one year for publishing
the notices required by this section, and the publication of the notices
of the supervisor of elections relative to elections, registration, etc.
Provided that in St. Mary's and Frederick [County] counties it shall
not be necessary to publish an itemized statement of county expenses,
but a summary of such statement shall be published as required
herein, and such an itemized statement shall be available for
public examination in the office of the clerk to the County Commis-
sioners. Provided, further, that in Howard County the County Com-
missioners may in their discretion publish, at an expense not to
exceed five hundred dollars ($500) in one newspaper a detailed, mi-
nute and accurate statement of the expenses of said county, specifying
therein each particular item of expense, and for what and to whom
paid. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to Anne
Arundel County or Baltimore County. Provided, further, that this
section shall not apply to Carroll [County,] and Frederick counties,
but that in [said] Carroll county the County Commissioners shall pub-
lish annually in each newspaper in said county and in Frederick Coun-
ty the County Commissioners shall publish annually in at least two
newspapers in said county a statement of the receipts and expenses
of said county in sufficient detail to inform the general public, with
reasonable clarity, the source of such receipts and the nature of such
expenses. Provided, however, that in Calvert County the County
Commissioners, shall in addition to the aforesaid requirements of
this section, make out, publish and deliver as aforesaid, an accurate
statement of the receipts of said county; said statement shall list
the receipts from (1) taxes, (2) licenses and permits, (3) fines and
forfeitures, (4) use of money and property, (5) from other agencies,
(6) charges for current services, (7) proceeds from bonds and cer-
tificates of indebtedness, and (8) miscellaneous. Provided that only
so much of this section as requires newspaper publication of county
expenses shall apply to Washington County, but the sheriff of
Washington County shall not be required to set up copies at the
place of holding elections in each election district.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved April 30, 1963.