June ye 4th (1704)
Then came Sarah Hamer & prayed yt her
mark of cattle & hoggs might be recorded
as followeth / The right Ear Croppt
two nicks under, & a slitt Down ye left
Ear & allso a nick under
p Lumley Clk
July ye 1704
Then Came Jon ffannen upon Mary Moors
acctt Daughter to John moor: & prayed that ye mark of
her cattle & hoggs might be recorded as follow-
eth both Ears Cropt an under keelle in ye
left, & an upper keelle & a slitt in ye Right
p Lumley Clk
Kent Is /
Benja Peck prosectute & appear for me in all
actions yt I shall have Depending in ye sd and Doe therein
what you shall think most requisite & for yor soe
Doeing this shall be yor warant Dated July ye
18th 1704
E: Bathurst
To Benja Peck one of ye attrys of Kent Court this
p Lumley Clk
Kent Is / Benja Peck
Prosecute for me In my owne name and for me
as attry of John Coward Henery Coward &
Tho: Hinon all actions agt any pson or psons & Doe
therein what yu shall think most requisit &
for yor soe Doeing this shall be yor wartt and
for Mr Mecajah Perry Dated June ye 28th
John Chaiers
p Lumley Clk
Kent Is /
Benja Peck appear for me & for my wife adst
of Michll Earle James Roach & Elias King & Doe
herein what yu shall think most requisite & for yor soe doeing this
shall be yor wartt Dated June ye 29th 1704
To Benja Peck one of ye attorys of Wmm
[mark] Sigley
Kent Court this
p Lumley Clk
Benja Peck appear for me ad?r of Jar Cursey in
a plea of Tr: Ca: & Doe therein as yu shall think
most requisit & this shall be yor warrtt Dated June ye
29th 1704 John Jordan
To Benja Peck one of ye attorys of Kent Court
p Lumley Clk