(111) 135
Deceased Thomas Woodroofe and Joseph Woodroofe his son
and yt he himselfe stands verily & truly Related unto ye said
recited - And he this Depont att present furthr sayth not
Daniell Norris
nly attested as aforesd sayth
ffrancis Woodroofe who was William Woodroofe's son within
att London & call'd her ffathr Uncle and her Mother Aunt
Sistrs Son who is marry'd to William Woodroofe as af:sd - and
Recorded p Lumley Clk
shall come Greeting In our Lord God Everlasting: Know yee
Deed Indented: Dated the ffirst Day of November in ye year of
Bargaine And sell unto ye sd Robert Smith his heires or his
called and knowne by ye name of Chesterfield with all ye houses
in ye same Deed mentioned Recourse thereunto being had will more
said Robert have & by these Presents do agree and Consent that
be Null and Voide to all Intents & purposes as if ye same had
Heires are in as full Large and ample Estate to all intents and
sd Robert doth hereby Release all ye Estate Title Interest Claime and
virtue of ye sd Deed unto ye sd William
Sweatnam or his heires for Ever
this 27th Day of June in the year of Our Lord God: 1706
Robert Smith {seal}
p Lumley Clk