(108) 132
Space of Seaven years next Ensueing att ye reasonable
his heires & assignes prforme acknowledge or suffer of
act & acts in ye Law whatsoever for ye more prfect
Trulock his heires & assignes or by her or their Learn
Provided such act or acts be prformed acknowledged
have Interchangably put their hands & seals ye Day &
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in ye prsence of us
On the Back
Thos Rasin
Deed was written
Thos Whitehead
June 27th 1706
Received of Thomas Thack
Ja? Caulk
which is Due upon the
wthin mentioned as Wittness
above written
Likewise ye above Deed was Edorsed
on ye backside as followeth vidzt
June 27th 1706
Acknowledged in open Court p
Mary Theackstone to & for ye uses
Maryland Is/ Know all men by these
Province Abovesaid doe by these Depute ordaine & Con
Kent County to be my True & Lawfull attorney for me and
of Caecill A Certaine prcell of Land Lyeing in Talbot Coun
Confirmeing and Allowing all that my said attorney shall
as Wittness my hand & seale this the 27th Day of June
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in ye presents of us
Thos Rasin
Thos Whitehead
Maryland Is/ Daniell Norris of Kent County in the
attested in open Court according to Law
that he this Deponent's Eldest Sister vizt Ann Norris did
Call'd Cowley in Gloster=shire in Engla who was Eldest Brothr
call'd Salem in ye Provce of west new Jersey or Nova Saesarea
Depont is Inform'd & was buried /
And this Depont furthr
sayth yt Joseph
lifetime of ye said Thomas came from ye sd Salem to visit
and there own'd hiim as such Relatcon, and likewise gave this De
came; and was in like mannr Reced: owned & delcared by the sd
Inhabitants there /
And this Depont further sayth
yt he was well acqu
came to America -- and yt he ye sd William Woodroofe who
Deponts sister vizt John William ffrancis and Thomas and
well acquainted with in England, some of wch this Depont
And this Depont further sayth
that he doth not