Volume 668, Page 149 View pdf image |
14[9] Town of Chester in said County on the third tuesday of Marchnext then and there to give Evide. in behalf of his Lordship agst. and Hannah Singfield the afd Negro Rambalus ^ Then this recoge. to be Void Else to stand & remain in full force power & Virtue in Law Jervs Spencer Kent County fst Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of Febry. Anno Dom. One thousand seven hundred & thirty eight personally Appeared Theophelus Randall before me the Subscriber One of his Lordships Justices of the peace for the afd County and himself to be Indebted to his Lordship the right honrble the Lord propry of Maryld. in the Sum of twenty pounds Currt. money of Maryland afd to be made and Leveyed on his body goods & Chattles Lands & Tenemts. for the Use of his said Lordship his heirs & Successors With Condition to this Recoge. that Theophelus Randall afd makes his personall Appearance before the Justices of Our next County Court to be held at Our Court house in the Town of Chester in said County on the third tuesday of March next then and there to give Evide. in behalf of his & Hannah Singfeild Lordship as prossecutor against the afd Negro Rambalus ^ Then this recoge. to be Void Else to remain in full force in Law Jervs. Spencer Kent County fst The Jurors for the right honrble the Lord propry that now is for the body of Kent County upon their Oath do prest. yt. Hannah Singfeild late of Kent County Spinster and Negro Ramba: :lus late of the said County Labourer the Slave of a Certain Martin Potter Gent. on the fifteenth day of Febry Anno Dom. seventeen hundred & thirty Eight with force & Arms at the County afd One Barrow hogg or Swine of the price of two hundred pounds of tobo. and One Sow hogg or Swine of the price of One hundred & fifty pounds of tobo of the goods and Chattles of a Certain Theophelus Randall then and there being found then and there feloniously did Steal take & bare away against the peace of the said Lord propry his good rule & Governmt. & against the form of the Act of Assembly in such case made & provided &c J George On the Back of the afd Indt. was Indorsed as fol. Vizt Ignoramus Chrisr. Hall foremn. Ordered by this Court that the County pay Negro Ram: :belus Fees Accrueing on the premisses afd to the Officers of this Court &c And now here to wit at Kent County Court at the Court house in the Town of Chester in said County on the third tuesday of March being the twentyeth day of said month in the year of Our Lord God One thousand seven hundred & thirty Eight Cometh William Hill in his pro: :per person & prayeth that his and his Suretys recoge. taken as afd for his Appe. as an Evide. as an Evide. in behalf of his |
Volume 668, Page 149 View pdf image |
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