EVENING SESSION, 7½ o'clock, P. M.
The House met. Present at the call of the roll the fol-
lowing members:
Messrs. Berry, Sp'r, Morgan, Neale, Wickes, Meginnis,
Tongue, Mackubin, Kilbourn, Magruder, Walker, Allender,
Ford, of Baltimore county, Goldsborough, Waller, Moore,
Sudler, of Somerset, Tilghman, Dail, Richardson, Ford, of
Cecil, Kidd, Sudler, of Queen Anne's, Hearn, Thomas, Har-
ding, Bowlus, Root, Koons, Bacon, Baker, Todd, Rogers,
Smith, of Baltimore city, Kennard, Lynch, of Baltimore city,
Harrington, Crowley, Forrest, Alexander, Rohrer, Gray,
Schnebly, Riddlemoser, Duvall, Worthington, Kilgour, Mc-
Kinstry, Reindollar, Day, Dorsey.
On motion of Mr. Baker,
The rules were suspended and he reported favorably on the
following bills, from a select committee.
A bill entitled, an act relating to the collection of taxes in
Harford county.
A bill entitled, an act to authorise the commissioners of
Harford County to cause to be laid off and condemned, a pub-
lic landing on the Susquehanna River, at or near the termi-
nus of the public road leading to a point on said river com-
monly known as Bell's Ferry.
Which were severally read the first time.
Mr. Harrington, from the committee on Corporations, re-
ported favorably on the bill entitled, an act to incorporate
the Maryland and East India Company, for commercial and
other purposes therein mentioned;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Dail, from the committee on Claims, reported favorably
on a bill entitled an act appropriating a sum of money to pay
the Independent Greys, the Baltimore City Guards, the Wells
and McComas Riflemen, the Law Greys and the Marion Re-
serve Guards, military companies in the City of Baltimore,
for services rendered in suppressing a riot on the Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road, in May, 1857, by order of the Governor;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Sudler, of Somerset, from a select committee, reported
favorably on a bill entitled, a supplement to an act entitled,
an act for the better regulation of officers' fees, so far as the
same relates to Somerset County;
Which was read the first time.
The Senate bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Stock-
holders of a Female Seminary in Chestertown;