Gentlemen of the Senate
and House of Delegates :
It has again become my duty to address the representatives of
the people, and in obedience to the requirements of the Constitu-
tion "to inform the Legislature of the condition of the State, and
recommend to its consideration such measures as may be deemed
necessary and expedient" The very short time allowed for the
discharge of your legislative duties imposes upon you, the necessi-
ty of great economy in the employment of your time, and makes
it indispensable for the proper transaction of the public business,
that the leading and important measures of the session shall be
prepared and matured at as early a period as practicable, to the ex-
clusion, if necessary, of all business of a mere local, private or sec-
tional character.
The people of Maryland, in times past, have had much reason
to complain that important Bills of a public and general character,
have been so frequency postponed to the closing hours of the ses-
sion, when if acted upon at all, fluty were characterized by the
errors, omissions, and defects incident to hasty and inconsiderate
it is earnestly to be hoped, that a mere allusion to this custom,
will in some measure at least, remedy the evil which has become
a matter of such general popular complaint.
The Reports of the Comptroller of the Treasury, exhibit the
operations of the Treasury Department for the fiscal years ending
September 30th, 1856, and September 30th, 1857. The financial
condition of the State continues to improve, and a review of its
operations presents very gratifying results for the consideration of
the citizens of Maryland, notwithstanding the repeal of the
Stamp Tax, at the last session of the Legislature, and also the re-
duction of the Direct Tax to one-half the amount previously im-
posed. The condition and operations of the Treasury for the last
two fiscal years, under the amended tax laws of 1856, may be
more clearly exhibited by a connection and comparison with the
statement of the preceding year.