INDEX. 1109
Leave to bring in a bill, to change the present bridge
across the Pocomoke river, at the town of Snow Hill,
in, to a pivot or draw bridge, 214; bill reported,
384; bill passed, and sent to the Senate, 701.
Leave to bring in a bill, authorising the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown, to levy an annual tax to
defray the expenses of lighting the streets of said
town, 214.
A bill from the Senate, entitled an act relating to
the public road dividing the counties of Somerset
and Worcester, 307.
A bill reported, entitled a supplement to an act en-
titled an act, to promote the more general diffusion
of information respecting the proceedings of the
commissioners of Worcester county, 342; bill passed
and sent to the Senate, 343; passed by the Senate
with amendments, 683; bill passed as amended, 684.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to relieve
Mathias N. Lindsey, Sheriff of, from the payment of
certain taxes in chancery, and fines and forfeitures
due the State of Maryland, in the years 1842, 1843
and 1844, 365.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act for clearing
out Pokomoke river, in, by means of a lottery,
passed at December session, 1841, chapter 215, and
to repeal the several supplements thereto, 367.
Order adopted that the State Librarian furnish the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for, with a copy of the
acts of the General Assembly of 1842, 381.
A bill entitled an act to appoint an additional con-
stable in Election District No. 2, in, passed and sent
to the Senate, 561; passed by the Senate, 707.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to repeal an
act entitled an act to lay out and establish a new
election district in, to be called St. Martin's or No.
10 District, passed at January session, 1852, chapter
79, 514; bill rejected and returned to the Senate,
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to amend
the act entitled an act for clearing out the Pokomoke