INDEX. 1103
Leave to introduce, an act for the sale and distribu-
tion under the order of the Orphans' Court of, the
real estate of John Banks, a free negro, 46.
Leave to bring in a bill to authorise the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for, to copy portions of certain re-
cord books, 78, bill reported, 176, bill passed and
sent to the Senate, 346; returned passed by the Sen-
ate, 538, 539.
Leave to bring in a bill to provide for a general
index of judgments in, 78, bill reported, 76, bill
passed and sent to the Senate, 347. 348; returned
passed, 538, 539.
Petition of sundry citizens of, praying the ap-
pointment of an inspector and weigher of grain, in
the city of Baltimore, referred, 125.
Petition of sundry citizens of, for the erection of
a bridge over the waters of Miles river, referred, 168,
169; bill reported, passed and sent to the Senate, 488.
Leave to bring in a bill, entitled an act to enlarge
the powers of the Commissioners of the Town of
Easton, in, 170.
Memorial of the Vestry and Wardens of the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church, in St. Michael's Parish in,
referred, 245; leave to bring in a bill, 146.
Petition of sundry citizens of, respecting the
weighing and measuring grain in the city of Balti-
more, referred, 197, 327; bill reported, passed and
sent to the Senate, 735.
Memorials of the citizens of, protesting against
waste of public treasure by the Maryland and Dela-
ware Railroad Company, referred, 252.
Petitions of Nicholas Rice and sundry other citi-
zens of, in relation to appropriation of money to
works of internal improvement on the Eastern Shore,
and especially to Maryland and Delaware Railroad
Company, referred, 327.
Leave to bring in a bill to protect wild ducks and
other wild fowl, in the rivers, creeks and waters of,
361; bill reported, passed and sent to the Senate, 704.