index. 1101
present session, 132; message from the House con-
curring, 132, 133.
Order adopted, that the use of the, is hereby
granted to Elias Ware, jr., a former Speaker of this
House, for the purpose of aiding him to prepare a
work on parliamentary law, 311.
ST. MARY'S COUNTY—Leave to bring in a bill, to authorise
the citizens of, to take or catch oysters with drags or
scoops, in the waters of the Potomac, beyond the
reach of tongs and rakes, as are now in use anil au-
thorised by law, 53.
A bill reported, entitled an act to incorporate the,
village of Leonardtown, in, 163; bill passed, and
sent to the Senate, 209; returned passed with amend-
ments, 386; bill passed with amendments, 387.
Petition of T. C. Greenwell and others, of, remon-
strating against the passage of a law, permitting per-
sons to dredge for oysters in the waters of the Po-
tomac and Chesapeake, referred, 197.
Leave to bring in a bill, to authorise the commis-
sioners of the tax of, to levy an additional sum of
money, to erect a suitable jail in Leonardtown, 242 ;
bill reported, 401; bill passed, and sent to the Sen-
ate, 635.
A bill reported, entitled an act, to allow Henry
M. Langley, late collector of election district No. 1,
of, further time to complete his collections, 400.
Leave to bring in a bill, to authorise the county
commissioners of, to close the public landing at the
Queen Tree in said county, and condemn a new land-
ing near the same, and to change the road thereto,
409; bill reported, passed and sent to the Senate,
ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE—Resolution to furnish the President
and Faculty of. seventy-five cadet muskets, &c.,
66 , adopted, 944.
Communication from the President of, inviting the
members of the House to visit the Institution, &c.,
26; invitation accepted, 27.