1098 INDEX.
promissory notes, bills of exchange, specialties, &c,
53; bill reported, 80; bill passed, 141; sent to the
Senate, 142; returned, passed by the Senate, 194.
STANDING COMMITTEES—Speaker announced the ap-
pointment of the, 42, 43, 44.
Order in relation to, 112.
before the House, the sixth report of, referred, 44;
20.000 copies ordered to be printed, ib.
Order adopted, that the committee on Agriculture,
be instructed to inquire into the expediency of re-
pealing the act creating the office of, 45; bill re-
ported, 365.
STATE COUNSEL—A bill reported, entitled an act to provide
for the representation of the State, by counsel in
certain cases now pending in the Court of Appeals,
on appeal from the Criminal Court of Baltimore city,
&c, 221, 222; bill passed, and sent to the Senate,
293; rejected by the Senate, 707.
STATE LIBRARIAN—Order adopted, that the, be authorised
to procure, a sufficient number of copies of the State
Constitution, with marginal notes, for the use of the
House, 8.
Order adopted, that the, transfer to the clerk of the
School Commissioners of Anne Arundel county, for
the use of the public schools and Academies of said
county, the desks formerly used by the body, and
now in the hall of the State House, 35.
Order adopted, that the, purchase for the Library,
fifty copies of the Legislative Guide and fifty copies
of Jefferson's Manual, 35.
Order adopted, that the, furnish the clerk of the
Superior court of Baltimore city, with the following,
60, 61.
Order adopted, that the, furnish each member of
the House and the clerks, with a penknife, of the same
kind furnished the members of Senate, 91.
Order adopted, that the, furnish the Orphans' court
of Queen Ann's county, with sundry, &c., 96.