1056 INDEX.
EDUCATION—Order adopted that the committee on, inquire
into the expediency of introducing a bill to establish
a system of Common Schools for the State, and re-
port to the House at the earliest practicable day, 10.
Leave to bring in a bill for the establishment of a
uniform system of Public School Education in the
State of Maryland, 13; bill reported, 203; proceed-
ings on, 627, 628, 629.
Leave to bring in a bill for the appointment of a
Superintendent of Public Schools, 57.
Leave to bring in a bill to divide among the sever-
al counties and the city of Baltimore, in proportion
to their representation in the General Assembly, lor
Common Schools purposes, the sum of money receiv-
ed from the Treasurer of the United States, on ac-
count of interest on moneys advanced by the State of
Maryland to the General Government, 93.
Leave to bring in a bill imposing a tax upon all
parents in the State, who may refuse to send their
children to school, 170.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to establish
a uniform system of Education in the State of Mary-
land, 430; proceedings on bill, 556, 557, 558, 587,
588, 589, 590, 624, 625, 626, 721, 722.
EJECTMENT AND TRESPASS—Leave to bring in a bill to
enable either party in actions of, to correct by testi-
mony any errors in the description of the property,
&c, 93.
ELECTIONS—Leave to bring in a bill to establish a uniform
rate of compensation for Judges and Clerks of, in this
State, 46; bill reported, 201; proceeding on 233, 234.
Resignation of Edmund Law Rogers, as chairman