INDEX. 1051
powers in respect of all private business, which gen-
erally comes before the Legislature, 64.
Leave to bring in a bill for the increase of the per
diem allowance of the Judges of the Orphans' Courts
in this State, 93.
Leave to bring in a bill to repeal the 1st section of
an act entitled an act relative to the practice in Bal-
timore County Court, 126.
Order adopted appointing a committee of three, to
proceed to Baltimore and examine the condition of
the records in the office of the Superior Court of the
city of Baltimore, &c, and report, 51; order adopted
further instructing committee, 134, report of commit-
tee, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425; report adopted, 426.
Order adopted that the committee on the Judiciary,
be instructed to inquire into the expediency of giving
the Orphans' Courts full chancery powers over all es-
tates of deceased or insolvent persons, appraised at a
less sum than $1000.
Leave to bring in a bill defining the power of the
Court of Appeals in certain cases, 145.
Leave to bring in a bill to fix a uniform per diem
rate of payment to each of the Judges of the Or-
phans' Courts of this State, 190; bill reported, 245.
CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE—Petition of George Blessing
and others, praying the passage of an act to amend
the, of this State, so as to prevent delays, referred,
CUMBERLAND—Leave to report a bill to ratify and make valid
the survey of the taxable limits of the city of, as
adopted by the Mayor and Councilmen of said city,
on the 4th day of January, 1858, referred, 32; bill
reported, 54; bill passed, 87, 88.
Petition of J. W. Magruder and one hundred and
thirty-six others, tax payers of, and vicinity, protest-
ing against the extension of the corporate limits of
said city, referred, 132.
CUMMINGS, ROSA—Petition of, widow of Alexander Cum-
mings, praying to be refunded certain money paid on
a license issued to said deceased, as gauger and in-