1048 INDEX.
poration of Triumphant Division, No. 38, of the or-
der of the Sons of Temperance of the State of
Maryland, 431; bill passed and returned to the Sen-
ate, 782.
A bill reported entitled an act to incorporate the
Maryland Fire Insurance Company, 437; bill amend-
ed, passed and sent to the Senate, 438; passed by
the Senate, 538, 539,
A bill entitled an act for the increase of the capital
stock of the Powhattan Steamboat Company of Bal-
timore city, 479; returned passed by the Senate, 518.
A bill entitled an act to incorporate the School
Commissioners of Baltimore county, 479; bill passed
and sent to the Senate," 572, 573; passed by the
Senate with amendments, 685; bill passed as amend-
ed, 686.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to incor-
porate and endow Cambridge Female Academy,
515; bill passed and returned to the Senate, 686.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to amend
the act for incorporating the Grand Division of the
State of Maryland, of the order of the Sons of Tem-
perance, 517; bill passed and returned to the Sen-
ate, 788.
A bill from the Senate entitled an act to incorporate
a Literary Society in the city of Cumberland, Alle-
gany county, 539; bill passed and returned to the
Senate, 782.
A bill from the Senate, entitled an act to amend
the act to incorporate the Elkton and Sassafras
River Railroad Company, passed January session,
1856, chapter 248, 539; bill passed and returned to
the Senate, 765.
A bill entitled an act to incorporate the Central
School in Frederick county, 592; bill passed and
sent to the Senate, 593.
A bill entitled an act relating to foreign corporations
and their agencies, 635; proceeding on bill, 636, 637;
bill passed and sent to the Senate, 637.