ing the end of Article II of the present Constitution as printed in Part I, Sections 4.03,
4.04, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.11, 4.26, 4.27 and 4.28 of the proposed Constitution are printed
in the right column on pages 20 to 23, inclusive; following the end of Article III of
the present Constitution as printed in Part I, Sections 3.05, 3.06, 3.08 and 6.16 of the
proposed Constitution are printed in the right column on pages 46 and 47; following
the end of Article IV of the present Constitution as printed in Part I, Sections 5.16, 5.17,
5.18, 5.19, 5.20 and 5.21 of the proposed Constitution are printed in the right column
on pages 75, 76 and 77; following the end of Article VI of the present Constitution as
printed in Part I, Section 4.21 of the proposed Constitution is printed on page 83;
following the end of Article XI-D of the present Constitution as printed in Part I,
Sections 7.08 and 7.09 of the proposed Constitution are printed on page 97; and follow-
ing the end of Article XV of the present Constitution as printed in Part I, Sections 9.02,
9.06, 9.07, 9.08 and 9.09 of die proposed Constitution are printed on page 110. None
of these sections of the proposed Constitution have any counterpart in the present
Again, because the arrangement of the two Constitutions is different, the present Con-
stitution as printed in the right column of Part II does not appear with its articles and
sections in numerical order. Each section of the present Declaration of Rights is called
an article rather than a section; also, the numbering of the sections of the present Consti-
tution begins anew in each article, so that there are many sections of the Constitution
bearing the same number and the section number in itself gives no due as to the article
in which it is included. For this reason, it has been necessary in printing the present
Declaration of Rights and Constitution in the right column of Part II to show the article
number of the various provisions of the Declaration of Rights and both the article number
and section number of the various provisions of the present Constitution. Where several
sections of the same article of the present Constitution appear in the right column of
Part II in numerical order, the article number is not repeated because it is obvious that
the successive sections are a part of the same article.
The present Constitution contains many detailed provisions which have no exact coun-
terpart in the proposed Constitution of 1968 but which nevertheless deal with the same
subject matter. In these instances, the provisions of the present Constitution are printed
in the right column of Part II opposite the corresponding section of the proposed Con-
stitution, but, because they are so much more detailed and because they frequently com-
prise a number of sections, the provisions of the present Constitution printed in the right
column of Part II will be much longer than the corresponding section of the proposed
Constitution printed in the left column. This results in considerable blank space in the
left column of Part II. However, a blank space in the left column of Part II opposite
the text of the present Constitution in the right column does not mean that the section of
the present Constitution appearing in the right column has no counterpart in the proposed
Constitution; on the contrary, it means that the provisions of the present Constitution
printed in the right column deal with the same subject matter as does the last prior
section of the proposed Constitution, even though this last prior section of the proposed
Constitution might be printed in the left column on some preceding page.
There are many sections of the present Constitution which not only have no exact
counterpart in the proposed Constitution of 1968 but which deal with a subject matter
which is not dealt with at all in the proposed Constitution of 1968. These sections are
not printed in Part II of the comparison but are included in an appendix to Part II,
the appendix appearing at pages 226 to 233. Although the appendix is printed in two
columns to save space, it will be noted that this is not a parallel column comparison
but instead is the complete text of the sections of the present Constitution which deal
with a subject matter not dealt with in the proposed Constitution of 1968.