Sec. 4. From and after the adoption of a
See Sections 7.01-7.04, immediately above.
charter under the provisions of this Article
by the City of Baltimore or any county of
this State, no public local law shall be
enacted by the General Assembly for said
city or county on any subject covered by
the express powers granted as above pro-
vided. Any law so drawn as to apply to two
or more of the geographical subdivisions of
this State shall not be deemed a Local Law,
within the meaning of this Act. The term
"geographical sub-division" herein used shall
be taken to mean the City of Baltimore or
any of the counties of this State.
Sec. 5. Amendments to any charter
See Sections 7.01-7.04, immediately above.
adopted by the City of Baltimore or by any
county of this State under the provisions of
this Article may be proposed by a resolution
of the Mayor of Baltimore and the City
Council of said the City of Baltimore, or the
Council of said county, or by a petition
signed by not less than 20% of the registered
voters of said city or county, provided,
however, that in any case 10,000 signatures
shall be sufficient to complete a petition, and
filed with the Mayor of Baltimore or the
President of the County Council, and when
so proposed shall be submitted to the voters
of said city or county at the next general
or congressional election occurring after
the passage of said resolution, or the filing
of said petition; and if at said election the
majority of the votes cast for and against
said amendments shall be in favor thereof,
said amendment shall be adopted and be-
comes a part of the charter of said city or
county from and after the thirtieth day
after said election. Said amendments shall
be published by said Mayor of Baltimore or
President of the County Council once a
week for five successive weeks prior to said
election in at least one newspaper published
in said city or county.
Sec. 6. The power heretofore conferred
See Sections 7.01-7.04, immediately above.
upon the General Assembly to prescribe the
number, compensation, powers and duties
of the County Commissioners in each
county, and the power to make changes in
Sections 1 to 6 inclusive, Article XI of this
Constitution, when expressly granted as
hereinbefore provided, are hereby trans-
ferred to the voters of each county and the
voters of City of Baltimore, respectively,
provided that said powers so transferred
shall be exercised only by the adoption
or amendment of a charter as hereinbefore
provided; and provided further that this