Section 1. There shall be a Treasury
Section 4.20. Office of Comptroller.
Department, consisting of a Comptroller
chosen by the qualified electors of the State,
The comptroller shall grant, under regula-
tions prescribed by the General Assembly by
at each general election at which the Gover-
law, all warrants for money to be paid out
nor is chosen, who shall receive such salary
of the treasury of the State pursuant to ap-
as may be fixed by Law; and a Treasurer,
to be appointed by* the two Houses of the
propriations by law. He shall also perform
other duties relating to the payment of mon-
Legislature, at each regular session thereof,
ey of the State as prescribed by law. The
in which begins the term of the Governor,
comptroller shall not be the head of the
on joint ballot, who shall receive such salary
as may be fixed by Law; and the terms of
finance department or of any other principal
department of the executive branch. The
office of the said Comptroller and Treasurer
comptroller shall give such bond for the
shall be for four years, and until their
successors shall qualify; and neither of the
faithful performance of his duties as may be
prescribed by law.
said officers shall be allowed, or receive
any fees, commissions or perquisites of any
Section 4.22. Election.
kind in addition to his salary for the per-
The comptroller shall be elected by the
formance of any duty or services whatsoever.
voters of the State for a term beginning on
In case of a vacancy in either of the offices
the first Wednesday in January following his
by death or otherwise, the Governor, by and
election and ending on the first Wednesday
with the advice and consent of the Senate,
in January in the fourth year thereafter, and
shall fill such vacancy by appointment, to
shall serve until his successor has qualified.
continue until another election or a choice by
If the first Wednesday in January is a legal
the Legislature, as the case may be, and
holiday the term shall begin on the next
until the qualification of the successor. The
day. If the office becomes vacant the gover-
Comptroller and the Treasurer shall keep
nor shall appoint, with the advice and
their offices at the seat of government, and
consent of the Senate, a person to the office
shall take such oath, and enter into such
for the remainder of the term.
bonds for the faithful discharge of their
duties as are now, or may hereafter be
prescribed by Law.
Sec. 2. The Comptroller shall have the
See Sections 4.20 and 4.22, immediately above.
general superintendence of the fiscal affairs
of the State; he shall digest and prepare
plans for the improvement and management
of the revenue, and for the support of the
public credit; prepare and report estimates
of the revenue and expenditures of the State;
superintend and enforce the prompt collec-
tion of all taxes and revenue; adjust and
settle, on terms prescribed by Law, with
delinquent collectors and receivers of taxes
and State revenue; preserve all public
accounts; and decide on the forms of keeping
and stating accounts. He, or such of his
deputies as may be authorized to do so by the
Legislature, shall grant, under regulations
prescribed by Law, all warrants for money
to be paid out of the Treasury, in pursuance
of appropriations by Law, and countersign
all checks drawn by the Treasurer upon any
bank or banks in which the moneys of the
State, may, from time to time, be deposited.
He shall prescribe the formalities of the
transfer of stock, or other evidence of the