of land to any Minister, Public Teacher or
Preacher of the Gospel, as such, or to any
Religious Sect, Order or Denomination, or
to, of for the support, use or benefit of,
or in trust for, any Minister, Public Teacher
or Preacher of the Gospel, as such, or any
Religious Sect, Order or Denomination; and
every gift or sale of goods, or chattels, to
go in succession, or to take place after the
death of the Seller or Donor, to or for such
support, use or benefit; and also every
devise of goods or chattels to or for the
support, use or "benefit of any Minister,
Public Teacher or Preacher of the Gospel,
as such, or any Religious Sect, Order or
Denomination, without the prior or sub-
sequent sanction of the Legislature, shall
be void; except always, any sale, gift, lease
or devise of any quantity of land, not ex-
ceeding five acres, for a church, meeting-
house, or other house of worship, or par-
sonage, or for a burying ground, which
shall be Improved, enjoyed, or used only
for such purpose; or such sale, gift, lease,
or devise shall be void. Provided, however,
that except in so far as the General As-
sembly shall hereafter by law otherwise
enact, the consent of the Legislature shall
not be required to any gift, grant, deed,
or conveyance executed after the 2nd day
of November, 1948, or to any devise or
bequest contained in the will of any person
dying after said 2nd day of November,
1948 for any of the purposes hereinabove
in thii Article mentioned.
Art. 39. That the manner of admin-
Section 9.01. Oath.
istering an oath or affirmation to any per-
son, ought to be such as those of the
Every person elected or appointed to any
office of profit or trust under the Constitu-
religious persuasion, profession, ,or denom-
tion or laws of this State, before he enters
ination, of which he is a member, generally
upon the duties of such office, shall take and
esteem the most effectual confirmation by
subscribe to the following oath or affirma-
the attestation of the Divine Being,
tion, the parenthetical language being op-
tional: " (In the presence of Almighty God)
I, .............. do swear (or affirm) that I
will support the Constitution of the United
States; that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to the State of Maryland and sup-
port the Constitution and laws thereof; and
that I will, to the best of my skill and judg-
ment, diligently and faithfully, without par-
tiality or prejudice execute the office
of ............. according to the Constitution
and laws of this State." No other oath or af-
firmation shall be required. Should any
person elected or appointed to an office of
profit or trust refuse or neglect to take the
oath or affirmation, then such office shall be