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Sec. 5. In case of vacancy in the office

See Section 4.18, Qualifications, p. 77.

of Attorney General, occasioned by death,

resignation, removal from the State, or from

office, or other disqualification, the said

vacancy shall be filled by the Governor, for

the residue of the term thus made vacant.

Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Clerk

of the Court of Appeals and the Clerks of

any intermediate courts- of appeal and of

the Commissioner of the Land Office, re-

spectively, whenever a case shall be brought

into said Courts, or office, in which the

State is a party, or has interest, immediately

to notify the Attorney General thereof.

The State's Attorneys.

Sec. 7. There shall be an Attorney for

Section 4.35. State's Attorney.

the State in each county, and the City of

There shall be a state's attorney in each

Baltimore, to be styled "The State's Attor-
ney," who shall be elected by the voters

county or district which may be prescribed
by the General Assembly by law. He shall be

thereof, respectively, on the Tuesday next

elected by the voters of the county or district

after the first Monday of November, in the

in which he seeks office. The term of office,

year, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and
on the same day every fourth year there-
after; and shall hold his office for four
years from the first Monday in January next

functions, powers, duties, method of filling
vacancies, and all other matters relating to
the office shall be prescribed by the General
Assembly by law.

ensuing his election, and until his successor

shall be elected and qualified; and shall be

re-eligible thereto, and be subject to removal

therefrom, for incompetency, willful neglect

of duty, or misdemeanor in office, on con-

viction in a Court of Law, or by a vote of

two-thirds of the Senate, on the recommen-

dation of the Attorney General.

Sec. 8. All elections for the State's

See Section 435, State's Attorney, p. 79.

Attorney shall be certified to, and Returns

made thereof, by the Clerks of the said

counties and city, to the Judges thereof,

having criminal jurisdiction, respectively,

whose duty it shall be to decide upon the

elections and qualifications of the Persons

returned; and, in case of a tie between two

or more Persons, to designate which of said

Persons shall qualify as State's Attorney,

and to administer the oaths of office to the

Person elected.

Sec. 9. The State's Attorney shall per-

See Section 435, State's Attorney, p. 79.

form such duties and receive such salary

as shall be prescribed by Law; and if any

State's Attorney shall receive any other fee

or reward than such as is or may be

allowed by Law, he shall, on conviction

thereof, be removed from office; provided,

that the State's Attorney for Baltimore City

shall have the power to appoint a Deputy



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