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vice on a commission and he shall not be eli-

gible to hold any other public office of profit

for one year immediately following his


Section 5.21. Procedures of Nominating


Each nominating commission shall act only

upon the concurrence of a majority of its

members. Each commission shall elect one of

its members as chairman.



Attorney General.

Section 1. There shall be an Attorney

Section 4.17. Office of Attorney General.

General elected by the qualified voters of
the State, on general ticket, on the Tuesday
next after the first Monday in the month of
November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight,
and on the same day, in every fourth year
thereafter, who shall hold his office for four
years from the time of his election and
qualification, and until his successor is
elected and qualified, and shall be re-eligible
thereto, and shall be subject to removal for
incompetency, willful neglect of duty or
misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a

The attorney general shall be the chief le-
gal officer of the State. He shall represent the
State in all criminal cases in the Court of
Appeals, the Intermediate Appellate Court,
and (he courts of the United States, and
shall represent the State in all civil eases or
proceedings in which the State is a party or
may be interested. He shall have those other
powers and duties with respect to criminal
and civil cases or proceedings, and with re-
spect to his responsibilities as chief legal
officer of the State, that the General Assem-

Court of Law.

bly may prescribe by law. Upon request, he

shall give his opinion on any legal matter to

either house of the General Assembly or to

its presiding officer, or to the governor, or to

any other officer, agency, or department of

the State. The attorney general may appoint,

to serve at his pleasure, the number of depu-

ties or assistants that the General Assembly

may prescribe by law.

Section 4.18. Qualifications.

The attorney general shall have been a

qualified voter in the State and have been

authorized to practice law in the State for at

least five years immediately preceding his

election or appointment.

Section 4.19. Election.

The attorney general shall be elected by

the voters of the State for a term beginning

on the first Wednesday in January following

his election and ending on the first Wednes-

day in January in the fourth year thereafter,

and shall serve until his successor has quali-

fied. If the first Wednesday in January is a

legal holiday the term shall begin on the

next day. If the office becomes vacant the

governor shall appoint, with the advice and

consent of the Senate, a person to the office

for the remainder of the term,



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