the Peace, as hath been heretofore exercised,
or shall be hereafter prescribed by Law.
Sec. 43. In the event of a vacancy in the
office of a Justice of the Peace, the Governor
shall appoint a person to serve, as Justice
of the Peace, for the residue of the term;
and in case of a vacancy in the office of
Constable, the County Commissioners of the
county in which the vacancy occurs, or the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, as the
case may be, shall appoint a person to serve
as Constable for the residue of the term.
Part VII. Sheriffs.
Sec. 44. There shall be elected in each
See Section 5.31, Administration of Judicial;
county and in Baltimore City in the year
System, p. 52.
1946 and in every fourth year thereafter,
one person, resident in said county, or City,
above the age of twenty-five years and at
least five years preceding his election, a
citizen of the State, to the office of Sheriff.
He shall hold office for four years, and until
his successor is duly elected and qualified;
shall give such bond, exercise such powers
and perform such duties as now are or may
hereafter be fixed by Law.
In case of vacancy by death, resignation,
refusal to serve, or neglect to qualify, or
give bond, or by disqualification or removal
from the County or City, the Governor shall
appoint a person to be Sheriff for the
remainder of the official term.
The Sheriff in each county and in Balti-
more City shall receive such salary or com-
pensation and such expenses necessary to
the conduct of his office as may be fixed by
Law. All fees collected by the Sheriff shall
be accounted for and paid to the Treasury
of the several counties and of Baltimore
City, respectively.
Sec. 45. Coroners, Elisors, and Notaries
Public may be appointed for each county,
and the City of Baltimore, in the manner,
for the purpose, and with the powers now
fixed, or which may hereafter be prescribed
by Law.
Section 5.16. Appellate Courts Nominating
The Appellate Courts Nominating Com-
mission shall mak.e nominations to fill a va-
cancy on the Court of Appeals or on the In-
termediate Appellate Court. The Commission