Baltimore City. Any judge designated and
assigned by the Chief Judge of the Court
of Appeals pursuant to this section shall have
all the power and authority pertaining to a
judge of the Court to which he is so
assigned; and his power and authority shall
continue with respect to all cases (including
any motions or other matters incidental
thereto) which may come before him by
virtue of such designation and assignment
until his action thereon shall be completed.
In the absence of the Chief Judge of the
See Section 5.05, Chief Judge of Court of Ap-
Court of Appeals the provisions of this
peals, p. 55, for absence of Chief Judge.
section shall be applicable to the senior
judge present in said Court of Appeals. The
powers of the Chief Judge under the afore-
going provisions of this section shall be
subject to such rules and regulations, if any,
as the Court of Appeals may make. The
See Section 5.03, Rule-Making Power, p. 56.
Court of Appeals from time to time shall
make rules and regulations to revise the
practice and procedure in the appellate
courts and in the other courts of this State,
which shall have the force of law until
rescinded, changed or modified by the Court
of Appeals or otherwise by law. The power
of the courts other than the Court of
Appeals to make rules of practice and pro-
cedure shall be subject to the rules and
regulations prescribed by the Court of
Appeals or otherwise by law.
Part HI. Circuit Courts.
Sec. 19. The State shall be divided into
Section 5.08. Jurisdiction.
eight Judicial Circuits, in manner following,
The Superior Court shall have original ju-
viz: the Counties of Worcester, Wicomico,
risdiction in all judicial proceedings, except
Somerset, and Dorchester, shall constitute
as otherwise prescribed by this Constitution
the First Circuit; the Counties of Caroline,
or by law. The Superior Court shall have
Talbot, Queen Anne's, Kent and Cecil, the
such other jurisdiction as prescribed by law.
Second; the Counties of Baltimore and
Jurisdiction of the Superior Court shall be
Harford, the Third; the Counties of
uniform throughout the State.
Allegany, Garrett, and Washington, the
Fourth; the Counties of Carroll, Howard
and Anne Arundel, the Fifth; the Counties
of Montgomery and Frederick, the Sixth;
the Counties of Prince George's, Charles,
Calvert, and St. Mary's, the Seventh; and
Baltimore City, the Eighth.
Sec. 20. A Court shall be held in each
County of the State, to be styled the Circuit
Court for the County, in which it may be
held. The said Circuit Courts shall have
and exercise, in the respective counties, all
the power, authority and jurisdiction,
original and appellate, which the present
Circuit Courts of this State now have and
exercise, or which may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law.