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14A was proposed, if otherwise qualified,

late Court may sit in divisions. At least three

shall be ineligible for appointment or

judges shall sit in each case.

election as a judge of any intermediate

court of appeal, established by law by the

General Assembly pursuant to said Section

14 A, by reason of his membership in such

General Assembly.

Sec. 15. Any judge of the Court of

See Section 5.02, Jurisdiction, p. 55.

Appeals or of an intermediate court of

appeal who heard the cause below either

as a trial judge or as a judge of any inter-

mediate court of appeal as the case may be

shall not participate in the decision. In

every case an opinion, in writing, shall be

filed within three months after the argu-

ment, or submission of the cause; and the

judgment of the Court of Appeals shall be

final and conclusive.

Sec. 16. Provision shall be made by

Law for publishing Reports of all causes,

argued and determined in the Court of

Appeals and in the intermediate courts of

appeal, which the judges thereof, respec-

tively, shall designate as proper for


Sec. 17. There shall be a Clerk of the

Section 5.33. Clerks of Court.

Court of Appeals, who shall be appointed

The chief judge of each court shall ap-

by and shall hold his office at the pleasure

point, to serve at his pleasure, a chief clerk

of said Court of Appeals.

of that court. There shall be in each county

a clerk of the Superior Court who shall be

selected as prescribed by law. There shall be

in each county a clerk of the District Court

whose appointment and term shall be pre-

scribed by rule.

Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the

Section 5.03. Rule-Making Power.

Judges of the Court of Appeals to make and

The Court of Appeals shall have power to

publish rules and regulations for the pros-

prescribe rules governing practice and proce-

ecution of appeals to the appellate Courts,

dure in all courts; governing the admission

whereby they shall prescribe the periods

of persons to practice law in this State and

within which appeals may be taken, what

their discipline; and governing the adminis-

part or parts of the proceedings in the

tration of the courts, officers of the judicial

Court below shall constitute the record on

branch, and officers of the executive branch

appeal, and the manner in which such

to the extent that their duties directly relate

appeals shall be brought to hearing or

to the enforcement of judicial orders. The

determination, and shall regulate, generally,

General Assembly shall have concurrent pow-

the practice of said Court of Appeals and

er to regulate by law the matters enumerated

any intermediate courts of appeal so as

in this section, except when these matters are

to prevent delays, and promote brevity in

specifically required by this Constitution to

all records and proceedings brought into

be prescribed by rule. As used in this article,

said Courts, and to abolish and avoid all

rule shall mean a rule prescribed by the

unnecessary costs and expenses in the pros-

Court of Appeals. In the event of a conflict

ecution of appeals therein; and the said

between a rule and a law, the later in time

Judges shall make such reduction in the

shall prevail to the extent of the conflict.



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