the returns to the House of Delegates, which
shall judge of the election and qualification
of the candidates at such election; and if
the judgment shall be against the one who
has been returned elected, or the one who
has been commissioned by the Governor,
the House of Delegates shall order a new
election within thirty days.
Sec. 13. All Public Commissions and
Grants shall run thus: "The State of Mary-
land, etc.," and shall be signed by the
Governor, with the Seal of the State annexed;
all writs and process shall run in the
same style, and be tested, sealed and signed,
as heretofore, or as may hereafter be,
provided by Law; and all indictments shall
conclude, "against the peace, government
and dignity of the State."
Sec. 13A. The General Assembly shall
See Section 531, Administration of Judicial
provide by General Law for the assignment
System, p. 52, for assignment of judges.
by the Court of Appeals of any of the
Chief Judges and any of the Associate
Judges of the several Judicial Circuits of
this State, including any Judge of the
Court of Appeals from Baltimore City, and
any of the Judges of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore, to sit in any other or different
Judicial Circuits for designated and limited
periods, for the purpose of relieving ac-
cumulation of business or because of the
indisposition or disqualification of any judge.
And any judge so assigned by the Court
of Appeals shall have all the power and
authority pertaining to the judge of the
court to which he is assigned.
Part II. Court of Appeals.
Sec. 14. The Court of Appeals shall be
Section 5.13. Judicial Circuits.
composed of seven judges, one from the
The State shall be divided by law into cir-
First Appellate Judicial Circuit consisting
cuits of the Court of Appeals and into
of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline,
circuits of the Intermediate Appellate Court.
Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomcio, Worcester
and Somerset counties; one from the Second
Section 5.04. Composition.
Appellate Judicial Circuit consisting of
The Court of Appeals shall consist of sev-
Baltimore and Harford counties; one from
en judges, one of whom shall serve as chief
the Third Appellate Judicial Circuit, con-
judge. Five judges shall constitute a quorum,
sisting of Allegany, Frederick, Garrett,
and the concurrence of four shall be neces-
Montgomery and Washington counties; one
sary to decide a case.
from the Fourth Appellate Judicial Circuit,
consisting of Prince George's, Calvert,
Charles and St. Mary's counties; one from
the Fifth Appellate Judicial Circuit, con-
sisting of Anne Arundel, Carroll and How-
ard counties; and two from the Sixth
Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting of