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shall be his duty to issue a proclamation

extending the session for some further period

as may, in his judgment, be necessary for

the passage of such bill; but no other

matter than such bill shall be considered

during such extended session except a pro-

vision for the cost thereof.

(11) The Governor for the purpose of

making up his Budget shall have the power,

and it shall be his duty, to require from

the proper State officials, including herein

all executive departments, all executive and

administrative offices, bureaus, boards, com-

missions and agencies, expending or super-

vising the expenditure of, and all institu-

tions applying for State moneys and appro-

priations, such itemized estimates and other

information, in such form and at such

times as he shall direct. The estimates

for the Legislative Department, certified by

the presiding officer of each House, of the

Judiciary, as provided by Law, certified by

the Comptroller, and for the public schools,

as provided by law, shall be transmitted

to the Governor, in such form and at such

times as he shall direct, and shall be in-

cluded in the Budget without revision.

(12) The Governor may provide for pub-

lic hearings on all estimates and may require

the attendance at such hearings of repre-

sentatives of all agencies, and for all in-

stitutions applying for State moneys. After

such public hearings he may, in his discre-

tion, revise all estimates except those for

the legislative and judiciary departments,

and for the public schools, as provided by


(13) The General Assembly may, from

time to time, enact such Laws not incon-

sistent with this section, as may be neces-

sary and proper to carry out its provisions.

(14) In the event of any inconsistency

between any of the provisions of this Sec-

tion and any of the other provisions of the

Constitution, the provisions of this Section

shall prevail. But nothing herein shall in

any manner affect the provisions of Section

34 of Article 3 of the Constitution or of

any laws heretofore or hereafter passed in

pursuance thereof, or be construed as pre-

venting the Governor from calling extra-

ordinary sessions of the General Assembly,

as provided by Section 16 of Article 2, or

as preventing the General Assembly at such

extraordinary sessions from considering any

emergency appropriation or appropriations.



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