property, except any building or buildings
may be taken immediately upon payment
therefor by the condemning authority to
the owner or owners thereof or into the
Court to the use of the person or persons
entitled thereto, such amount as the con-
demning authority shall estimate to be the
fair value of said propery, provided such
legislation requires that the condemning
authority's estimate be not less than the
appraised value of the property being taken
as evaluated by at least one qualified
appraiser, whose qualifications have been
accepted by a Court of RecoroS of this
State, and also requires the payment of
any further sum that may subsequently be
awarded by a jury, and provided such legis-
lation limits the condemning authority's
utilization of the acquisition procedures
specified in this section to occasions where
it has acquired or is acquiring by purchase
or other procedures one-half or more of
the several takings of land or interests in
land necessary for any given water supply,
sewerage or drainage extension or construc-
tion project.
Sec. 41. Any citizen of this State, who
shall after the adoption of this Constitu-
tion, either in, or out of this State, fight a
duel with deadly weapons, or send, or
accept a challenge so to do, or who shall
act as a second, or knowingly aid or assist
in any manner, those offending, shall, ever
thereafter, be incapable of holding any
office of profit or trust, under this State,
unless relieved from the disability by an
act of the Legislature.
Sec. 42. The General Assembly shall pass
See Section 2.07, Conduct of Elections, p. 11.
Laws necessary for the preservation of the
purity of Elections.
Sec. 43. The property of the wife shall
be protected from the debts of her husband.
Sec. 44. Laws shall be passed by the
General Assembly, to protect from execution
a reasonable amount of the property of the
debtor, not exceeding in value, the sum
of five hundred dollars.
Sec. 45. The General Assembly shall
Section 5.32. Cost of Judicial Branch.
provide a simple and uniform system of
charges in the offices of Clerks of Courts,
and Registers of Wills, in the Counties of
this State, and the City of Baltimore, and
The cost of the operation and administra-
tion of the judicial branch shall be borne
exclusively by the State, and all revenues
derived from the operation and administra-