struction of Works of Internal Improvement
revenues thereafter received applicable to the
in the counties of St. Mary's, Charles and
general funds of the State, a sum equal to
Calvert, which have had no direct advan-
such interest and principal. All state indebt-
tage from such Works as have been here-
edness shall mature within fifteen years from
tofore aided by the State; and provided,
the time when such indebtedness is incurred,
that such aid, advances or appropriations
except that at the time of authorizing the in-
shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of
debtedness the General Assembly by law may
five hundred thousand dollars. And they
extend the period to not more than twenty-
shall not use or appropriate the proceeds
five years by the affirmative vote of three-
of the Internal Improvement Companies, or
fifths of all the members of each house.
of the State tax, now levied, or which
may hereafter be levied, to pay off the
Section 4.25. Board of Review.
public debt (or) to any other purpose
There shall be a Board of Review in the
until the interest and debt are fully paid, or
executive 'branch. The Board shall consist of
the sinking fund shall be equal to the
the governor, an officer in the executive
amount of the outstanding debt; but the
branch designated by the governor, and the
General Assembly may authorize the
comptroller. The Board shall act by majority
Board of Public Works to direct the State
vote and shall hold its meetings in public or
Treasurer to borrow in the name of the
otherwise act in such manner and have such
State, in anticipation of the collection of
powers as the General Assembly may pre-
taxes, such sum or sums as may be necessary
scribe by law.
to meet temporary deficiencies in the
Treasury, to preserve the best interest of
Section 6.07. Gift or Loan of Assets or
the State in the conduct of the various
State institutions, departments, bureaus, and
agencies during each fiscal year. Subject
to the approval of the Board of Public
Works and as provided by Law, the State
Treasurer is authorized to make and sell
short-term notes for temporary emergencies,
but such notes must only be made to pro-
vide for appropriations already made by the
General Assembly. The General Assembly
may contract debts to any amount that
may be necessary for the defense of the
State. And provided further that nothing
The assets or credit of the State shall not
be given or lent to any individual, association,
or corporation unless a public purpose will
be served thereby and unless authorized by
the General Assembly by a law stating the
public purpose to be served. A gift of assets
may be authorized by a law enacted by the
affirmative vote of a majority of all the mem-
bers of each house, but a law authorizing a
gift of credit or a loan of credit or a loan of
assets shall require the affirmative vote of
three-fifths of all the members of each house.
in this section shall be construed to pro-
hibit the raising of funds for the purpose
of aiding or compensating in such manner
or way as the General Assembly of the
State shall deem proper, those citizens of
the State who have served, with honor, their
Country and State in time of War; provided,
however, that such action of the General
Assembly shall be effective only when sub-
mitted to and approved by a vote of the
people of the State at the General Election
next following the enactment of such legis-
Sec. 35. No extra compensation shall
See Section 4.24t Salaries, p. 20.
be granted or allowed by the General
Assembly to any Public Officer, Agent,
Servant or Contractor, after the service
shall have been rendered, or the contract
entered into; nor shall the salary or com-
pensation of any public officer be increased
or diminished during his term of office.
Provided, however, from and after January