Constitution, an appropriation bill to pro-
tirement and removal provided in Sections
vide for the payment of any obligation of
3 and 4 of this Article, and in Section 26
the State within the protection of Section
of Article III of this Constitution.
10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the
United States.
Sec. 7. No Judge shall sit in any case
wherein he may be interested, or where
(13) The General Assembly may, from
either of the parties may be connected with
time to time, enact such Laws not incon-
him, by affinity or consanguinity, within
sistent with this section, as may be neces-
such degrees as now are, or may hereafter
sary and proper to carry out its provisions.
be prescribed by Law, or where he shall have
(14) In the event of any inconsistency
been of counsel in the case.
between any of the provisions of this Sec-
tion and any of the other provisions of the
Constitution, the provisions of this Section
Sec. 10. The Clerks of the several Courts,
created, or continued by this Constitution,
shall prevail. But nothing herein shall in
shall have charge and custody of the
any manner affect the provisions of Section
records and other papers, shall perform
34 of Article 3 of the Constitution or of
all the duties, and be allowed the fees,
any laws heretofore or hereafter passed in
which appertain to their several offices, as
pursuance thereof, or be construed as pre-
the same now are, or may hereafter be
venting the Governor from calling extra-
regulated by Law. And the office and busi-
ordinary sessions of the General Assembly,
ness of said Clerks, in all their departments,
as provided by Section 16 of Article 2, or
shall be subject to the visitorial power of
as preventing the General Assembly at such
the Judges of their respective Courts, who
extraordinary sessions from considering any
shall exercise the same, from time to time,
emergency appropriation or appropriations.
so as to insure the faithful performance
(15) If any item of any appropriation
bill passed under the provisions of this
Section shall be held invalid upon any
of the duties of said officers; and it shall
be the duty of the Judges of said Courts
respectively, to make, from time to time,
ground, such invalidity shall not affect the
such rules and regulations as may be neces-
legality of the bill or of any other item
sary and proper for the government of
of such bill or bills.
said Clerks, and for the performance of
the duties of their offices, which shall have
Sec. 57. The Legal Rate of Interest shall
the force of Law until repealed, or modified
be six per cent per annum; unless other-
by the General Assembly.
wise provided by the General Assembly.
Sec. 13. All Public Commissions and
Sec. 58. The Legislature shall provide
Grants shall run thus: "The State of Mary-
by Law for State and municipal taxation
land, etc.," and shall be signed by the Gov-
upon the revenues accruing from business
ernor, with the Seal of the State annexed;
done in the State by all foreign corporations.
all writs and process shall run in the
Sec. 59. The office of "State Pension
Commissioner" is hereby abolished; and the
Legislature shall pass no law creating such
office, or establishing any general pension
same style, and be tested, sealed and signed,
as heretofore, or as may hereafter be,
provided by Law; and all indictments shall
conclude, "against the peace, government
and dignity of the State."
system within this State.
Sec. 14. ... It shall hold its sessions
Sec. 60. The General Assembly of Mary-
in the City of Annapolis at such time or
land shall have the power to provide by
times as it shall from time to time by rule
suitable general enactment (a) for the sus-
prescribe. Its session or sessions shall con-
pension of sentence by the Court in crim-
tinue not less than ten months in each year,
inal cases; (b) for any form of the in-
if the business before it shall so require,
determinate sentence in criminal cases, and
and it shall be competent for the judges
(e) for the release upon parole in whatever
temporarily to transfer their sittings else-
manner the General Assembly may pre-
where upon sufficient cause.
scribe, of convicts imprisoned under sentence
for crimes.
Sec. 15. Any judge of the Court of Ap-
peals or of an intermediate court of ap-
Article IV.
peal who heard the cause below either as
a trial judge or as a judge of any inter-
Sec. 4B(d). This section is alternative to,
mediate court of appeal as the case may be
and cumulative with, the methods of re-
shall not participate in the decision. In